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  I always thought that my first kiss would be something special, something I would talk about for years . I  had been dreaming about it as a child.

  But unfortunately things didn't happen as planned. As you see a certain someone out of the blue just stole my first kiss. 

   Now here I am sitting on my couch with a tub of chocolate ice cream and crying my eyes out.  And  you might be thinking that my beloved best friend is sitting next to me and wiping my tears.

Unfortunately you are wrong.

   My so called best friend is sitting right in front of me laughing her ass out. Yeah you heard me right. She is clutching her stomach and practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

"There's nothing funny about it. " I hissed and she laughed even harder.

" Seriously Ay..." I rolled my eyes.

" Hailey I'm warning you,  if you don't stop laughing now..." I didn't get a chance to complete my sentence as she immediately tackled me to the ground and started tickling my sides.

"Hailey....STOP...HAHAHA....STOP...HAAHAA...PLEASE...Stop." I  yelled laughing.

" Come on girly cheer up. It's just a kiss. " she stated as she finally let me go.

" It was my first kiss." I whined ,making her roll her eyes.

" You are 23 Aye , at this age people get laid." I rolled my eyes.

" Stop being such a baby and tell me was he hot? "

" Maybe. "

" Did you kiss him back? "

" Nope. "

" Why not? " she demanded in disbelief. Seriously,  what's wrong with her?

" Can we talk about something else? " I asked in a bored tone.

" You know Nathan Hyde is single again. " She chirped happily.

I raised an eyebrow. " Now who the hell is this Nathan Hyde? "

She stared at me as if I had just grown two heads." You seriously don't know who Nathan Hyde is? " She asked in disbelief.

I shook my head. She sighed dramatically. " He is the CEO of Hyde International Inc. And he is one of the most eligible bachelor of London. You see he was engaged to  Katherine Mikaelson and they were about to get married  but then something happened and the wedding was called off and a few days later they broke up. " She replied in one breath.

" So,is he hot? " I asked curiously.

" He is the definition of the word HOT." she replied dreamily. I watched her as she looked for her phone and started typing something on Google I guess.

" Check this out. " She stated as she handed me her phone.

" Hell no....he can't be Nathan Hyde. " I yelled in horror.

" And why not? " she asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Because this is the guy who kissed me."  her jaw dropped to the ground and for an entire minute she didn't say a word.

" Hailey are you ok? " I asked as I nudged her shoulder. And she immediately snapped out of her daze.

" You kissed Nathan Hyde? "  she blurted out trying to  process the little piece of information.

" Yes I guess. "

" Oh my...God. I don't believe this. Nathan Hyde kissed you and you didn't kiss him back. " she replied dramatically.

I rolled my eyes. " I don't care who he is. All I know is he is an arrogant asshole. "

She hit me with a pillow. " Don't call him that. " she yelled at me.

" He's  an asshole. Accept it." I snapped at her. She rolled her eyes. " you are impossible. "

My phone buzzed  indicating a new text. I checked the ID and it was from an unknown number .  I opened the text and read it over and over again.   ' What the hell? '


You disappointed me butterfly. How could you kiss that pig? Since this is your first mistake I forgive you. Don't repeat it  cuz next time I won't be this lenient. You are mine Aylin and nobody touches what belongs to me.

Remember I can always see you.



A shiver ran down my spine. Who the hell is this K ?  I have been getting such text for a really long time, two months to be exact. And  what have I done about it?


Hell, I haven’t even told Hailey about it. It's not that I don't trust her or something. I just don't want to freak her out. She already has a lot in her plate. I just don't want to add my problems to it as well. 

" Aylin is everything alright? " Hailey interrupted my train of thoughts.

" Everything's fine. " I lied. But she could see right through it. 

" Don't lie to me Aylin. I know  there...." she didn't get to finish her sentence as her phone started to ring.  She checked the ID and her face lit up like a bulb.

" It's Shawn. " she chirped happily. I rolled my eyes. " Hi" she answered as she  walked back to her room.

I shook my head.  You see Shawn is her on  and off boyfriend.  They really  have the world's most complicated relationship. They break up like every week and after a few days they get back together.

" Guess what?  Shawn is taking me out for dinner. "  Hailey chirped as she walked back to the lounge.

I rolled my eyes. " So I guess you are going to stay at his place tonight? "

" Hopefully. " she replied with a smile. " You love him. Don't you? " I asked her.

She sighed. " I didn't know Aylin. I don't understand... Sometimes he's so sweet and sometimes he's such a douche bag."

" He is a douche bag. " I stated with a laugh.

" I better go  get dressed. He might be here anytime. " and with that she walked back to her room.

I walked back to my room and got ready for bed. I really had a long day and I just wanted to go to bed.  Hopefully tomorrow would be a  better day .


  Hi dumplings ,  I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to comment and vote. :-)

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