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" Rise and shine sleepy head. " Nathan chirped as he opened the curtains wide open, making me groan loudly. " Go away. " I mumbled as I buried my face in my fluffy pillow.

" Come on cupcake, we have a wedding to attend. " He stated as he pulled the covers from my body. " What the hell? " I demanded as I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

" Well good morning to you too cupcake. " he replied sarcastically.

" Don't call me that. " I hissed making him chuckle.

" As you say cupcake. " He replied arrogantly. I rolled my eyes. It's just a waste of time arguing with him.

I quietly got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water. I pat dried my face with a fluffy towel and walked downstairs.

" Breakfast? " he asked as he placed a plate full of pancakes in front of me.

" I can't eat all of these. " I replied pointing at the dozen of pancakes placed in front of me.

" I didn't say you have a choice. Look at yourself you look like you have been starving for years. " He replied with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. " I don't look like that. " I protested.

" Yes you do. "

" No I don't. "

" Yes. "

" No."

" Yes. "

" No."

" Yes."

" No."

He sighed in frustration. " Are you going to give up? " he asked in a bored tone.

" Nope. " I replied popping the p. He shook his head.

" Look we are already running late. So please... " I cut him off in the middle.

" It's seven in the morning. Where the hell do you want to go this early? " I demanded.

He sighed. " As I have already said we have a wedding to attend. " He stated.

" Ok? " I questioned as I dug into my pancake.

" And you are coming with me. " He replied with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow. " And what makes you think that? "

" Because you are my girlfriend. " He stated.

" No I'm not. "

" We are not going back to that. " He replied.

" I want you to wear this. " He continued as he handed me a black bag. I peeked into the bag and my face instantly lit up.

I ran my fingers through the silky lavender coloured fabric. " It's beautiful... I think. " I replied.

He chuckled. " Now finish up your pancakes. " He replied in a strict tone making me laugh.

I had a long hot shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel . I tip toed my way out of the bathroom but paused in the middle when I spotted a fully dressed Nathan staring at me.

I could feel his intense gaze on my exposed skin and my cheeks instantly heated up . I stood there uncomfortably as he took predatory steps towards me.

" W-what are you doing? " I stammered as I took a step back. Trying to put a little space between us. But he kept moving towards me without leaving eye contact. And as a reflex I kept taking two steps back. And soon my back hit the nearest wall.

" N-Nathan?" I stuttered as he leaned into me our lips inches away. We stayed like that for what felt like hours. He just kept staring at my lips hungrily I nervously bit my bottom lip, making him groan loudly.

" Don't do that. " He commanded in a husky voice.

"D-Do w-what? " I replied as I bit my lips again.

" Don't bite your lips. " He replied in a velvet tone.

" N-Nathan. " I breathed his name.

" Yes cupcake? " He replied as he brushed his thumb on my lips.

" I-I t-think y-you a-are I-invading m-my p-personal s-space. " I stammered making him chuckle.

" But I think you like it. Don't you cupcake? " He asked in a husky voice making me go week on my knees.

" You know what I want to do to you now? " he asked. I shook my head.

" N-Nathan I think we have a wedding to attend? " I reminded him.

He sighed. " We are not done with this my love." He winked at me and left.

I got dressed in the beautiful lavender gown. He really had a great taste in dresses I should admit. The dress fitted perfectly complimenting all my curves.

I curled my dark brown hair and let it cascade over my bare shoulder. I just applied a little lip gloss and eyeliner. Hailey always said that I have a flawless skin and I really didn't have to apply a lot of makeup.

I studied my appearance in the full length mirror  I really looked good I have to admit . My phone buzzed bringing me out of my thoughts. I gently picked it up from the dressing table and checked the text.


Stay away from him Butterfly. Or else I have to cut off your wings.



I glared at the screen with shaky hands. Who the hell is this K. And how does he know that I'm with Nathan ? I really have to speak about this to Hailey as soon as possible.

" Aylin are you alright? " I heard Nathan ask in concern as he walked into the room. I nodded a reply. " Are you sure? " he asked.

" I'm fine Nathan. " I replied trying very hard not to stutter. He nodded.

" You look beautiful by the way. " he commented.

" Thank you. " I replied with a smile.

"  I guess we better get going? " He replied as he took my hand in his and led me out of his room.

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