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I groaned loudly as I snuggled deeper into my pillow hoping that it would block the thunderous sound of my stupid alarm. But it was of no use.

I sighed and finally turned it off. I picked up my phone from the night stand and checked the time.

6:00 am

Good! Now I have almost two hours to get ready. I slowly got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I had a long hot shower and got dressed for work.

Hailey was staying at shawn's , so I have to take a cab. But it's alright I have lots of time. So it's not a problem. I prepared a warm cup of coffee and some toasts.

I grabbed my jacket and my purse from the table and walked out of the house and locked it. I checked the time and it was 8:10. So it leaves me twenty minutes to reach.

I walked into the not so elegant looking lobby and for some unknown reason all eyes were on me. Everyone were looking at me and whispering .

I glanced at my outfit and I guess I looked pretty normal then why are people staring at me?

" Hi Aylin, good morning. " a girl whose name I don't know greeted with a fake smile.

" Good morning. " I replied as I walked past her.

" Morning Aylin, you're looking nice. " Lucy stated as I passed the reception desk. I gave her a warm smile and acknowledged her.

A lot of people greeted me and a few even tried to make small talks with me. I sighed in relief the moment I reached my floor. There weren't a lot of people working up in my floor. So I was kind of saved.

You see I'm not a huge fan of being the centre of attraction. To be honest it makes me nervous. And for some unknown reason people who had never paid attention to me were after me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when someone cleared their throat behind me. " Miss Stone, can I have a word with you? " I heard Mark's voice right behind me.

I immediately turned around and flashed him one of my best fake smiles. " Of course Mr Williams. Let me just leave my jacket and my purse in my office. " he just nodded and walked away.

I knocked at the door and patiently waited for his response. Once I heard a 'come in" I gently pushed the door and walked in.

" Please have a seat Miss Stone. " He stated as I walked up to him.

" You wished to talk to me Mr Williams. " I asked.

He nodded. " I spoke to my seniors about your promotion and they have told me they would think about it. "

I choked on my own saliva. Am I dreaming? Or did the sun rise in the west? I mean from the past one and a half year I have been struggling for promotion.

And this man had always pushed it away stating that I'm still not ready for it. And today out of the blue he tells me that he actually spoke about it to his seniors?

I studied his face for any sign of humour. But it was just blank. He looked like he was in pain. What's wrong with him?

" Miss Stone, are you alright? " I was brought out of my thoughts.

" Sorry I was just... " I trailed off.

" I'm sorry about yesterday Miss Stone. I shouldn't have stressed you so much. " he stated with no hint of sincerity.

" It's alright Mr Williams. " I replied with a smile.

" You may go now Miss Stone. " I nodded and walked out of the office.

The day passed pretty much the same way. I had a lot of visitors. When I said a lot I really mean a lot. I rolled my eyes at my own comment. I haven't seen Hailey from morning, which was quite unusual.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard my beloved best friend shouting my name right from the elevator. I groaned loudly hoping Mark didn't hear her yell.

She barged into my cabin with a newspaper in her hand. Wait a newspaper? She had a weird look on her face. Which I couldn't figure out.

" What's wrong? " I asked as I got out of my chair and walked up to her.

" Did you by any chance check today's newspaper? " she asked.

" Nope. It's not like my photo would be on the front page. " I teased

She sighed. " Actually it is..." she stated. I gave her a confused look. " What do you mean? " I asked.

" Why don't you check for yourself? " I snatched the newspaper from her hand checked it. " Holy crap. " I cursed as I glared at the picture on the front page.

It was a picture of me kissing the infamous Nathan Hyde, in the middle of a crowded street. They had mentioned me as his mysterious girlfriend.

" So now I understand why people have been acting so weird all day. " I thought out loud.

" They think you are dating him." she trailed off. I could feel my body shake in anger. I shred the newspaper into pieces. And threw it into the dustbin.

" I'm not his freaking girlfriend and don't even want to be. " I yelled in frustration. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Hailey roll her eyes.

" Come on Aylin. It's not as bad as you think. " she stated. I glared at her.

" So you are dating Nathan Hyde huh?" a high pitched voice interrupted us.

" What do you want Tanya? " Hailey hissed as she glared daggers at her.

" Well , I wasn't speaking to you Missy. " she snapped at her.

" Now tell me Aylin are you really dating Nathan Hyde or...." She was cut off in the middle.

" Yes she is. Do you have a problem with it? " Hailey snapped at her. For a minute I saw something flash in her eyes and her lips curled up into a smile which was immediately replaced with a smirk.

She was about to snap right back at Hailey but she stopped the moment she spotted Mark walk up to my cabin. " Never mind. We will get back on this later." she stated and walked away.

" Miss Stone, I just got a call from my senior officers and they have agreed for your promotion. " Mark stated as he walked into my cabin.

" Thank you so much Mr Williams. " I replied with a smile.

" What are you doing here Miss Thomson? " he asked Hailey as he eyed her up and down.

" We were discussing about some files Mr Williams. " She replied. He just nodded.

" Ok Miss Stone I will see you later. " and with that he walked out of my cabin.

" What the hell is wrong with you Hailey? Why the hell did you lie to her about dating Nathan. Now the entire office is going to..." she cut me off in the middle.

" Aylin Elizabeth Stone, listen to me carefully, I had to do it or else she would have got a new reason to humiliate you. "

" But we can't lie about something like this Hailey. He could sue us for it."

" I'm not asking you to lie Aylin. I'm just asking you not to deny it that's all. "

I rolled my eyes. " That's called lying Hailey. "

" Come on Aylin, nothing will go wrong. Trust me. And people would completely forget about it a few days. " she replied.

" But Hailey. " I protested.

" Aylin please, for me. " She gave me her best puppy dog eyes.

I sighed. " Ok fine. " I replied in a tired tone. " Oh shit! I'm sorry Aylin I have a few files pending. I will see you later . " and she walked out of my cabin.

I leaned into my chair and closed my eyes. For some unknown reason I feel like I have put myself into some really deep shit.

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