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I watched her as she proudly stood in front of us with a smirk on her face. I still don't believe she has the nerve to come back here after what she did I mean how could someone be so shameless?

" Why are you here Hannah? " Kristian snarled in anger.

" Hey Kris. " She replied as she walked up to him and pulled him into a hug but he immediately pushed her away as if her touch burnt his skin. She stumbled back and glared at him for a minute.

"Why are you in my property woman?" Grandpa growled in anger I could see his body shake in anger.

" Calm down Vincent don't loose your temper on this whore." Grandma stated as she walked up to him.

" Ouch that was rude. " She replied placing her hand on her chest faking hurt.

" Hannah Kingston, I'm giving you a last warning get out or else... "

" Else what? " she challenged.

" Look Hannah, nobody wants you here and after what you did to Halena. We have nothing to do with you or your family. " Mom stated in a cold tone.

She rolled her eyes. " That bitch she got what she deserved. " The moment the words slipped out of her mouth, Kristian walked up to her and slapped her right on the face.

" How dare you? " she shrieked hands placed on her cheek.

" Don't ever dare to call my Halena a bitch because the only bitch here is you. " he growled.

" Leave before I call the guards. " I warned as I stepped forward.

" Nathan don't you look dashing? " She stated as she walked up to me and tried to hug me. Key word tried .

" Don't. " I warned taking a step back. She raised an eyebrow. " Why baby scared? " she asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Who is this? " She asked as she glared at Aylin.

" She's Aylin, my girlfriend. " I replied proudly as I pulled her close to me by her waist.

" So the rumours are right? I didn't think your taste was this bad." She commented.

"We would make a better pair." she suggested flashing me a seductive smile.

" Nathan, ask her to leave before I kill her with my bare hands. " Kristian growled.

" You heard him right? Leave. " My angel spoke up for the first time.

" Mind your own business bitch you have nothing to do with this. " She snapped at her.

" The next time you speak to her in that tone I swear I will kill you. " I growled at her.

" I think we better call the guards. " Mom suggested.

" You can't kick me out Linda. " she replied with a smirk.

" Why not ? "

" Because this place belongs to my late sister Halena and I have every right to be here. " She replied with a smirk.

" This property does not belong to the Kingston's so you have no right to be here. " Dad barked as he stepped forward.

She rolled her eyes. " As far as I remember Halena was also a Kingston. " She stated.

" Why are we even talking to her? Just kick her out, or else I would do the honour with my own hands. " Kristian yelled at us.

" I would like to watch you do that. " She replied with a smirk.

" What do you want Hannah? " Grandma asked as she walked up to her.

" I want you to take back all the charges. " she replied.

" That would never happen. " I snapped at her.

" Then I'm not leaving . " She simply stated.

" Yes you will. " Kristian barked as he pulled her by her arm and dragged her towards the door.

" Let me go kristian. " She yelled as she tried to free herself from his grip.

" Get out whore and stay away from my family. " And with that he shut the door on her face.

Grandma sighed in relief. " Thank God. " she breathed as she held her hand on her chest.

" I still don't believe that slut is actually related to Halena. " mom stated as she sat back on the couch.

" I'm calling it a night I'm too tired. Linda where exactly is our room? " Dad asked as he gave a toothy grin.

She just rolled her eyes. " Where it always was." Dad cracked up a smile and walked away.

I watched Aylin as she kept opening and closing her mouth as if wanting to ask something. " Spill it out. " I stated bringing her out of her thoughts.

" Linda can I ask you something? " she asked hesitantly.

She chuckled. " You just did. " She pointed out.

" I know what you want to ask." She commented.

" Halena was Kristian's wife. " mom stated fiddling with her fingers.

" Kristian is married? " she asked.

" He was." I replied.

" Was? "

" She died two years back. " Mom replied with a sad smile.

" I'm sorry. " She mumbled.

" I know it's none of my business but what happened? " she asked hesitantly.

" Long story short. Hannah pushed an extremely pregnant Halena down the stairs making her go into an early labour and since she already had complications in her pregnancy she didn't make it. She died on the way to the hospital and so did little Rayon. " I stated.

" I'm sorry. " was all she replied but I know she felt guilty for bringing her up. I watched her as she got out off the couch.

" Where do you think you are going? " I demanded sounding irritated.

She rolled her eyes. " For some fresh air. " she replied and walked out of the room I was about to follow her out but mom stopped me.

She shook her head. " Don't. " She stated.

" But-"

" I think she needs some time alone. Why don't you go upstairs and take rest? " she suggested.

Take rest my ass. How can I take rest when my girlfriend is all alone, with a crazy stalker running after her?

A loud scream for help brought me out of my thoughts.

" Is that Aylin? " Mom asked in a worried tone.

" Crap. " I muttered and ran out of the mansion towards the sound where the scream came from.


Hey my lovely readers, thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. I know it was a bit short, and I'm extremely sorry about it. I will try to write a longer chapter next time. :-)




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