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I paced impatiently as I waited for the freaking door to open. With every passing second, I was growing more impatient. My urge to break the freaking door kept increasing.

It has been six hours since she went into labor and almost two hours since I got kicked out of the labor room. If you are wondering why. The reason is simple, I  passed out. As shameful as it sounds, it is true.

I swear if I knew giving birth to a baby was this painful, I would never have got her pregnant.  I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to help her,  but there is no way I could.

" If they don't open the door in five minutes I swear I will sue this hospital. " I growled  making the rest of my family roll their eyes.

You see, from the time I was kicked out I have been acting like a douche  bag, yelling at every person I saw , whether it was my family member or a hospital staff.

" Will you just shut up for a minute? You are giving me a headache. " Dad snapped at me. I glared at him but didn't say anything. I was way too exhausted.

After what seemed like forever Jonathan finally walked out with a small smile on his face. " How is she? Is she alright? Is the baby alright? " I demanded.

" Yes! She's fine and so are the babies . " he replied with a warm smile. I let out a breath I never thought I was holding. Thank god! she's  fine and so are the babies . Wait babies?

I gave him a confused look. " Babies ?" he just smiled at me. " Twins. " and my jaw dropped to the ground. Twins? We weren't expecting twins.

" She wanted to surprise you. " Jonathan stated bringing me out of my thoughts.

" Wait! She knew about it? " I asked still not sure whether it was a dream or reality.

" Yes she did." He replied with an amused look on his face. He sure was having fun seeing me like this.

" Oh my god! Oh my god! Did you hear it Linda? Twins. Can you believe it? " grandma chirped happily clapping her hands.

" Are they both boys or girls? " Mom asked or rather demanded making him laugh. " Maybe both." he replied smirking at us.

" So can we see her? " Dad asked. " Yes of course!  We have just shifted her into the private ward. You could see her but just don't stress her too much. She's still recovering. Now please excuse me. "  he excused himself and walked away.
I stood at the doorway and watched her as she cooed our babies about how adorable they were and how much she loved them. She looked tired but her eyes still had a spark.

She looked up at me at beamed. " Hey." she whispered with a bright smile. " Hey. " I replied walking into the room.

" How do you feel? " I asked her as I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

" Tired. " She replied with a small smile. " How are  you? " she asked with a smirk. Teasing me for.. Well you know what.

" Can I hold them? " I asked hopefully. Honestly I'm still recovering from the shock. She smiled at me and gently placed   the babies in my arms.

" Careful! Don't drop them. " she warned in a serious tone. " I won't. " I promised as I kissed both the babies .

" The one in your right  is a boy and the one in your left is a girl. " Aylin informed in a excited tone.

" They are so... small. " I stated  absentmindely , making her roll her eyes. " Of course they are. " She replied. 
" Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Nathan but we couldn't wait for another minute. " Mom announced barging into the room with the others trailing right behind her.

" They are so beautiful. " Grandma chirped as she took my princess from my arms. " Oh..she's so beautiful. " she whispered kissing her forehead.

" Let me hold him." Mom stated taking  my son from my arms.

" Honey are you alright? You look tired. " Grandpa asked pulling out another stool next to Aylin.

" I'm fine,  just a little tired. " She whispered with a small smile.

" So what have you planned to name them? " Dad asked us . I glanced at Aylin and she nodded gesturing me to answer.

" We had thought if it was a boy, we would call him  Noah and if it was a girl we would call her Journey. " from the corner of my eyes I saw her smile at me.

" So Journey and Noah,  welcome to the family. " Grandpa stated taking both the babies in his arms.

"Come on folks! let's get going. I think we should give them some time together. "  Dad stated making the others groan.

" But luc-" Mom pouted making him roll his eyes.

" Honey,  they need this moment. " she seemed to understand the fact.

" Okay fine. " she replied and handed Journey back to Aylin. They all bid their goodbye and left with a promise of coming back tomorrow.

" I think the babies are tired. I'll just put them to sleep. " She whispered as she took Noah from my arms. " Of course. " I whispered  with a small smile.

Journey was the first one to fall asleep and  our Noah seemed to have a really great time troubling his Momma . I watched her as she tried to put him  to sleep without getting irritated or angry. Is that how a mother is?

After what seemed like forever the little devil finally gave in and we could finally sigh a relief. I watched Aylin as she kissed both of them and gently placed them in the large crib, which both the babies shared.

" I think he's going to be a handful. " she stated. I chuckled. " I guess he will be." I replied.

"So..." I said taking her hand in mine. " So? " she asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Thank you so much Aylin. " I whispered kissing her hand.

She smiled." Thank you for what? "she asked with a raised eyebrow.

" For making me the happiest man on earth." I replied. She smiled. " You know I should be the one thanking you. " she replied.

" For what? "I asked sitting on the edge of her bed.

" For being with me. " She whispered putting her arms around me.I leaned in and kissed her beautiful lips.

" I will always be with you Aylin no matter what happens. " I whispered cupping her face.

" I know you will. " She whispered back leaning in with her eyes closed. But before our lips could touch,  our little devil started squealing.

" Seriously?  " I asked sounding a little  annoyed. She just laughed and gently picked him up. " Oh baby. " She cooed as she cuddled him in her arms and to say I was jealous would be an understatement.

" You know I could do anything to swap places with him right now? " I asked as she returned back to her bed, with Noah in her arms.

She laughed. " Jealous already? " She teased playfully. " He really has wrapped you up around his fingers already. " I replied making her laugh.

And just then little journey started to wail. Aylin was just about to go to her but I stopped her. " Let me." I insisted and gently picked her up from her crib and she immediately stopped wailing.

" I think she already likes you. " Aylin  stated staring at us in awe. " She looks just like you. " I whispered as I looked down at our princess who looked up at me with  her bright green eyes.

" And he looks like you. " She whispered looking down at Noah.

" This is so perfect. " She whispered after a few minutes of silence. I leaned into her and gently pecked her lips.

" And it always will be. " I assured her pulling away so that I could look into her eyes.

" I love you. " She whispered. " I love you too. I always have and always will. " I whispered back.

                  THE END

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