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I tightened my grip on the railing as I watched Nathan flirt with the bunch of girls by the pool for a split second his eyes met mine and his lips curled up into a satisfactory smirk. I knew instantly that he was doing it on purpose.

It had been a week since the Kayden issue and for some odd reason Nathan has been avoiding me. I tried to speak to him a few times but he would just snap at me and leave. He has been inviting random girls home they would party all day by the pool. Don't ask me about the nights , they simply make me feel gross.

Wondering what about the others? Well, Lucas and Linda had to fly back to London due to some emergency and Vincent and Alice have gone to visit some friend in the nearby town. They have been staying there from past three days and Kristian? Well, he's standing right beside me enjoying the same view which I have been enjoying. Note the sarcasm please.

If you are still thinking about the kiss we had shared last week then I'm sorry to disappoint you that there is nothing much to think about it. Kristian made it very clear that it was just a mistake and it would not happen again.

Yes! It hurt a bit, but not as much as seeing Nathan with those pack of she wolves. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any feelings towards Kristian but it really feels bad when someone says something like that to you .

" Isn't that Rachel? " Kristian asked as he pointed at some girl behind Nathan.

" How do I know? " I snapped at him.

He chuckled. " Looks like somebody's in a bad mood. " I just ignored him and continued to glare at them.

" Your boyfriend is cheating on you in broad daylight and you are not doing anything about it? " he casually asked making me look up at him.

" I can see that. " I snapped at him.

" Looks like my baby panda is cranky. " He cooed making me glare at him.

" Stop calling me that. " I hissed making him chuckle.

" Come on Aylin, accept that you are jealous. "

" No I'm not. "

" Yes you are. "

" No I'm not. "

" Yes you are. "

" No."

" Yes. "

" Ok fine I am jealous. So what? " I snapped at him.

" He's doing it on purpose Aylin. " he replied after a few minutes of silence.

" I know that. "

" Then why aren't you doing something? "

" What exactly do you think I should do? "

" Kick all those girls out or do something that he does it by himself. "

I raised an eyebrow. " What do you mean ? "

His lips curled up into a smirk. " Well, I have a full proof plan which I'm 200% sure will work. " he replied with a wink.

" And what is it? " He leaned forward and whispered his ' Full proof plan' in my ears.

" Hell no, I'm not doing that. " I shrieked making him roll his eyes.

" Aylin, don't be silly it's far better than what he's been doing. "

" But still, I'm not doing that. " I replied stubbornly.

" Even now you don't want to do? " He asked as he pointed at Nathan who was busy sucking the face of a redheaded girl. I could feel my heart drop to my stomach for some reason I felt hurt. I could feel my eyes tear up.

I don't have any feelings for him then why am I feeling like my heart was just ripped off?

" Ok fine. I will do it. " I stated in determination. I didn't know why, but I really wanted him to regret what he has been doing to me from past one week.



" Baby can we take this upstairs? " the redheaded girl whose name I don't remember, purred as she ran her hands over my bare chest.

I ignored her and continued to watch Kristian as he stared down at me with a smirk on his face. Aylin was no longer with him much to my relief.

I know right now I look like a total douche but if you were in my place you might have done the same thing.

I still remember the day I had seen Kristian purposely kiss Aylin. Yes, he did it on purpose. How do I know? Simply, because he knew I was watching and what bothered me more was she didn't protest.

She was too stunned a voice in my head replied but still it hurt me real bad. I hated the effect she had on me I wanted to show her that I don't need her.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see Kristian walking up to me in his swimming gear.

" What do you want? " I snapped at him.

" Well hello to you too brother. " he replied with a smirk.

" Baby... " the girl shrieked making me turn my attention to her.

" What? " I demanded.

" You are not listening to me. " she complained. I just ignored her and turned towards Kristian only to find him gone.

And just as I was about to take a relieved breath, I found him taking laps in the pool. I huffed, why can't he just leave me alone?

" What's wrong baby? " She continued. God! I just want to throw her away.

" Can you get me a glass of wine? " I asked with a fake smile.

" Of course. " she replied and got off my lap and left. I sighed in relief hopefully she never comes back.

I watched Kristian as he stared at something or someone with his eyes wide and jaw dropped to the ground. I followed his glance and almost choked on my own saliva.

What the...


Hey my lovely readers. Thank for reading. I know again a small chapter.But I have been a little busy. But I still wanted to update so here it is..... Anyways I hope you enjoyed it.




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