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I blankly stared out of the window as I kept thinking about what Nathan had said. I didn't know what to believe and what not to. I know right now all I should be thinking about is my  baby but this has everything to do with it .

Yes!  I have digested the fact that I'm pregnant. A mini version of me or Nathan is growing inside me.  I'm freaking out. I mean, how the hell am I going to raise him or her?

  I remember what Nathan said,  but do you really think I'm going to let him support me and my child?  That would be the last thing I would want him to do to me. 

I gently placed my hand on my flat stomach and a small smile made its way to my lips.

To be very honest,  I'm really excited about this whole pregnancy thing. I mean I'm going to have a baby in a few months can you believe it?  I'm finally going to have someone who I could call a family.

" Aylin,  are you alright?  You look lost." Nathan's concerned voice brought me out of my thoughts.

" Ya I'm fine. " I replied as I unbuckled my seat belt.

" What's the matter Aylin. What's bothering you? " he asked as he helped me out of the car.

" I could be asking you the same thing. " I stated making him raise an eyebrow.
" What do you mean? " he asked trying to play dumb.

" Come on Nathan. You have been quite throughout the drive so tell me what the matter is. "

" Nothing is bothering me Aylin. Nothing. " he lied.

" Is it about the baby Nathan?  If you don't want anything to do with the baby it's alright. I have a degree,  I could find a job and  I don't think it would be a problem. "  he grabbed me by my  arm and made me face him.

" Don't ever say that again. Do you understand?  " He growled getting a few attention of the people around.

" Then tell me what's bothering you. " I snapped at him. He took a deep breath and replied.

" Look Aylin,  I will tell you everything but not right now. Let's get done with this appointment and then maybe we could discuss this later?  " he  pleaded.

I sighed heavily. " Fine but after that you are going to tell me everything. " he gave me a small smile and we walked into the elegant clinic .

" Hello Nathan! What a lovely surprise. " the woman  behind the desk beamed at him.

" Hey Ella,  good to see you too. " he replied with a smile.

" Hello honey,  you must be Aylin. "  she politely asked as she gave me a bright smile.

" Aylin, this is Ella an old friend. " Nathan introduced. 

"Nice to meet you . " I replied with a shy smile.

" You don't have to be so formal honey we are going to be seeing each other a lot. " She beamed at me.

" Is  he available? " Nathan asked sounding a little annoyed. She seemed to notice it  and just shook her head.

She grumbled something under her breath and replied. " Of course he is. "

" Follow me sweetie. " I nodded and followed her into the doctors office.



I  watched Aylin as she spoke to the doctor, who unfortunately was my cousin . They were discussing about something which I had no clue of. I just stared at them  like an idiot.

" So what do you say about it Nathan? " Jonathan asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

" What? " I asked having no clue about what they were speaking.

" Don't worry Doctor he wouldn't mind. " Aylin replied covering up for me.

Jonathan pressed a buzzer and Ella immediately walked in.  " Ella would you help Aylin with the samples? "  he asked.

" Of course Jon." She replied with a smile. " Follow with me sweetie. "  she stated as she led Aylin into the adjacent room.

Jonathan cleared his throat bringing me out of my thoughts. " So..." he started.

" So? "

" So are you both dating or something? " he asked as he leaned into his chair.

" She's carrying my child, isn't that obvious? " I snapped at him making him chuckle.

" Come on Nathan, I was just trying to make conversation. " he replied with a smirk.

I was about to snap at him when my phone started to buzz. " I need to answer this. " I excused myself and walked out of the office.

" Did you find something Rex?" I asked as I paced impatiently.

"  We have just got an update that Kayden has been spotted in London a few days back. " He answered.

" In London?  What do you mean he's in London?  Wasn't he supposed to be in jail? "

" Yes he was. But they didn't have strong evidence against him and had to let him go. "

" What do you mean they didn't have evidence?  He himself had confessed that he stalked Aylin. "

" Yes he did but later he changed his statement. He said he was blackmailed into giving a wrong statement. "

" And they let him go? "

"They didn't have strong evidence against him Nathan. " he replied trying to sound reasonable.

" I don't believe this. How could they release him?  That guy stalked my Aylin for.... " I paused in the middle when I spotted Aylin standing behind me with a blank expression on her face.

" Look I'll call you back later. " I hung up.

" What's going on Nathan? And don't dare to keep anything from me. " She snapped at me.

I took a deep breath. " Kayden was released Aylin. " I replied after a few minutes of silence.  I told her about the phone call and the text and she listened to me without interrupting.

" And that's why I want you to move in  with me as soon as possible. " she immediately pulled out her phone and started scrolling through her messages.
" Don't waste your time Aylin. I've deleted it." she gave me a angry look.

" Why the hell would you do that for? "

" I didn't wanted you to freak out Aylin,  that's why I didn't want you to see that text .

" What are we going to do now? " she asked with teary eyes.

" Hey don't worry Aylin, I won't let him hurt you again.  We will get through this. Trust me we will." I assured her as I pulled her into my chest.

" Why can't he leave me alone? " she cried in my chest.

" I won't let him hurt you and our child Aylin. I promise. " I stated as I gently stroked her hair.

" Nathan? " I hummed a reply. " Can we go home? " she pleaded.

" Of course we can. " I replied with a smile trying to cheer her up.


A/ N:

Hey Homies,

Sorry for making you wait for such a long time. I had been caught up with my assignments so I  couldn't write.

I know the chapter is a little short,  but that's all I could write. I'll try to write longer chapter next time.

Anyways thanks for reading.




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