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" Let me go Kayden. " I yelled as I tried to free myself but he just tightened his grip around me making me whimper in pain.

" Don't panic Aylin I just want to talk. " He replied softly as he pinned me to the wall .

" SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP!" I cried out hoping somebody hears me before this psycho does something  I hope you got what I meant?

" Stop shouting woman. " He hissed as he covered my mouth.

" Don't make it difficult for both of us. " he warned. A shiver ran down my spine and I flinched at his words.

"You haven't changed much have you?" he asked in a husky voice as he gently removed his hand from my mouth.

" HELP!" I yelled again hoping at least this time someone hears me  but he covered my mouth again.

" Aylin, I just want to talk. " he whisper yelled as he tightened his grip around me.

" Look, I know about the texts you have been receiving and I know who..." But he couldn't complete his sentence as he was ripped off me and he landed on the concrete ground with a thud.

" HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER? " Nathan roared as he grabbed him by his collar.

" Aylin, let me finish... " but he was cut off as a first collided with his jaw making him grunt in pain.

" Aylin are you alright? " Linda asked as she ran up to me and pulled me into a hug.

" I'm fine. " I mumbled as I watched Nathan throw another punch at him.

" Let him go Nathan. You will kill him. " Kristian yelled as he tried to pull him away from Kayden.

" YOU!" Kayden yelled with wide eyes as he glared at Kristian.

" You are the...." But he couldn't complete his sentence as another punch was thrown at his face but this time it was from Kristian.

"Mom take her inside we will handle this. " Kristian yelled.

" Come on honey , let's get you inside. "

" But-" I didn't get a chance to object as I was dragged into the mansion.

" Honey why don't you go upstairs and rest? I'm sure the boys will take care
of him you don't have to worry. " Linda stated with a small smile . I just nodded and walked upstairs not wanting to protest.

I laid on my bed and continued to stare at the ceiling. I had been trying to sleep for a really long time but my restless mind wouldn't let me to sleep.

I still don't understand how can Kayden know about the texts and how did he know that I was in Miami? And why did he react such a way when he saw Kristian?

Crap! Crap! Crap! Why didn't I figure it out earlier? How could I be so dumb? How couldn't I think that Kayden could be K? Kayden was released three months back. And I'm getting those texts from past three months.

A loud thud brought me out of my thoughts. I immediately jolted awake and turned towards the Window only to find a manly figure walk up to me. Fear ran down my spine and just as I was about to shout for help a large hand covered my mouth.

" Don't shout Aylin, it's just me. " a familiar voice spoke up.

" Kristian you scared the shit out of me. " I snapped at him as I took his hand away from my mouth.

" Didn't mean to. " He replied as he turned on the bed side lamp.

" Have you ever heard about something called as a door? " I snapped at him.

" No I haven't. Can you tell me what is it? " he asked in a fake innocent tone.

I shook my head. God! This guy is impossible. " Why are you here? "

" I wanted to make sure you were alright. " He replied with a smirk.

" You know, you could have just knocked? "

" I did. "

" No you didn't. "

" Yes I did. "

" No you didn't. "

" I did. "

" You didn't. "

" Did."

" Didn't. "

" Fine I didn't . " he finally accepted holding his hands up in surrender.

" What's Nathan? " I asked.

" Don't know don't care. " he stated in a bored tone.

I rolled my eyes. " Whatever. " I mumbled to myself.

"So what happened after I left? " I asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

" Nathan almost killed the 'not so poor' guy. " He replied.

I raised an eyebrow. " Not so poor? "

" 'Not so' because he hurt you and ' Poor ' because he had to face a really pissed off Nathan. "

" Then what happened? "

" He was handed over to the police. "

" That's it? "

" Nope there's more. " he replied hesitantly.

" He confessed that he has been following you from the day he was released and he even accepted that he was the one sending you all those creepy texts. "

" But he was saying -"

" He was lying. He was scared that he almost got caught so he...." he trailed off.

" Aylin. I guess they might need your statement and do you still have those texts? "

I nodded. " Can I see them? "

" Ok." I replied and handed him my phone. I watched him as he scrolled through the texts, with a blank expression on his face.

" Why didn't you go to the cops earlier? " he asked or rather demanded.

" I thought someone was just playing a prank." I replied fiddling with my blanket .

" He could have killed you you know? " he snapped at me.

" Can we speak about something else? " I asked in a bored tone.

" Fine." he replied with a frustrated sigh.

" Why did you punch him? "

" Whom? "

" Kayden. "

" I just felt like. " He replied with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes. " You know, right now you sound like a psycho? "

He chuckled. " Maybe I am. " he simply stated I couldn't hold it anymore and I burst out into fits of laughter.

" You know, you remind me of her. " He stated with a small smile.

" Halena? " I asked.

He nodded. " She was just like you. " he replied with a sad smile.

" You still love her don't you? "

" I always did and I always will. " he replied.

" You know, she was really lucky to have someone like you. " I stated.

" I think I better get going. " he stated as he leaned forward and claimed my lips and even before I realise what he was doing, he immediately pulled away.

" Good night Aylin. " he gave me a small smile and walked out of my room,closing the door behind him. I sat there wondering what just happened.

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