Chapter 3

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okay, so I'm skipping where like you have to go and get your money changed, and like all the license stuff, so yeah! another thing, idk much about England and stuff so if I make any mistakes, I'm sorry and just let me know! enjoyyyy!

"Excuse me miss, excuse me." I heard someone say as I got brutally shaken.  I slowly fluttered my eyes open, "The plane has landed ma'am. You may now exit the plane."  I nodded and grabbed my two little bags, and excited the plane.

I walked into the airport, and over to luggage. 'Wait, I already shipped all my stuff to our house.' I walked out of the airport and looked around, I didn't see Zoe anywhere, so I sat on a little brown bench near the doors. 

I got on my phone and called Zoe. After 3 rings, she answered,
Z- "Hello?"
A- "Hey I'm here waiting, are you here?"
Z- "Yes I'm in the black car pulling up."

I stood up and sat down my two bags, as Zoe exited her car, and Alfie in the passenger.  "Hello Alfie!" I said giving him a big hug. "Ash." He said in a greeting tone.
Zoe came around her car over to me, "Ashley! Its nice to finally see you in person!" she said pulling me into. big bear hug. "I'm so glad I'm finally here." I said into her shoulder.

When we let go, we got into her car; me in the back, Alfie in the passenger seat, and Zoe in the drivers seat.

After about 20 minutes, we made it to Zoe and I's house. It's a pretty decent sized house.
When you walk in, it's right to the living room, a couch, a love seat, a table, a tv, and a few other little things. There's a kitchen, a bathroom, a small hallway, then my room, Zoe's room, a guest room, and another bathroom.

"Here's your room, with all your boxes. If you need any help, just holler. Also, you got the master bedroom with the bathroom." Zoe said with a big cheesy smile. "Alrighty, thanks Zoe." I said opening up the first box.

I first tried finding my sheets, pillows, and blankets for my bed. After about 3 boxes, I finally found them.

It was about 10:00pm now, so I decided to go to bed.  I didn't finish unpacking, but I will tomorrow.  I plugged in my phone, and went into my bathroom. I washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I grabbed a big white over sized t-shirt and threw it on.
I walked over to my bed, and got on it. I covered up, and fixed my pillows just right, then I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I woke up at about 1pm. Stupid time change. I walked into the kitchen, to see Zoe and Alfie sitting at the mini bar talking.  "Good Morning sleeping beauty." Zoe said to me while giggling.  I smiled at her and opened the fridge. Nothing. 
I turned and looked at her, "we need to get groceries."  She nodded, "go get ready and we can go. We can also go get our nails done!"


When I was done getting ready, I decided to vlog.  I turned on my vlogging camera, and faced it towards me and pressed record.  "Okay guys so I finally moved to England with Zoe! I'm in my room, and I just got done getting ready, because Zoe and I are going grocery shopping, and getting our nails done!" I said squealing at my camera, I'll update you guys when we leave", then I shut off my camera and threw it in my bag.

"I'm ready" I yelled as I finished putting on my boots.  "Alright, lets go, shall we?" Zoe said. 

I pulled my vlogging camera out of my bag, and turned it on. "Okay so I'm in the car with Zoe right now!" I said. "Hello everybody!" She said with a bright cheesy smile. "So we're on our way to go grocery shopping right now. I'll update you guys when we get to the grocery store", and with that I ended the recording and threw my camera in the bag.


"Alright everyone so we just got back from the grocery store, and getting our nails done, so here what mine look like", I said showing my vlogging camera, "they are matte black acrylic." Then I turned the camera towards Zoe, "and you got?"
"I only got them painted, and they are a gorgeous pastel purple", she said quickly holding her fingers up towards her face.  
"Alright guys so I don't know what all I'm going to be doing today, but I need to finish unpacking, and that's pretty much all", then right before I shut off my vlogging camera, I remembered that I needed to film a video since its Monday! "Also I need to film my main channel video", with that, I shut off my vlogging camera.

"Damn it! I don't know what to film!" I said walking over and plopping onto the couch. "Why not a house tour?" Zoe yelled from the kitchen.  "What a good idea!" I said yelling back.  I jumped up and walked to my room, and tried to find my camera.   Once I found it, I grabbed my tripod from under my bed, and went and sat it up outside. 

"Hello everyone! Its Ashley here, and today's video is going to be a house tour!!" I said while jumping around like a kid that just got a bunch of candy.  "So you guys probably didn't know this, but I now live with Zoe Sugg, we moved in together, and if you don't believe me, one sec."  I ran into the house and got Zoe, and walked back outside and said, "here's your proof." 
Zoe just smiled really big, squinted her eyes, and waved at the camera. "Okay so lets get started." I picked up the camera, and face it towards the house, "So here is the small porch, we just have two chairs, and a little table, then when you walk in, it takes you to the living room, so we basically just have a little couch and a love seat, a TV, and some other little stuff over there." I walked towards the kitchen, "so here's the kitchen. We have a small table, some counters, a fridge, which secretly is my favorite part of the house, and an oven/stove thingy."

After I finished up the tour, I did my usual ending. Then shut off my camera. I walked into the house and sat my camera down. I walked into the kitchen to get a drink, and I saw Zoe on the phone.

As I was pouring my iced tea into my cup I was kind of snooping in on Zoe's conversation. "Well I'd have to talk to Ashley, but if she doesn't mind we have a guest room you can stay in until you find a house." "Alright bye-bye"

"You said my name in your conversation?" I asked confused.  "Yeah, um my brother Joe is getting kicked out of the house, because my parents said he needs to move out, and he doesn't have a place to live yet, so he wanted to know if he could crash here for a while until he gets a new house, do you mind?" She asked me, hope in her eyes.  "Sure, I don't mind." I said taking a sip of my iced tea, "Whens he moving in?"
"Um I think tonight." She said standing up and pushing her chair in.  I nodded, and walked to my room.

I've never met Joe in person, I wonder if he's nice.

I started editing my video, when I got a Twitter DM.  I unlocked my phone and looked who it was.

Caspar Lee.

It said 'Hello, my name is Caspar Lee, and I was wondering if you would like to collab sometime? I saw that you moved in with Zoe, and I was wondering if a collab would be fun. Here's my number, (727)898-4558'   

I copied his number and added him to my contacts, and sent him a text. 'Hey Caspar! A collab sounds great! Let me know when you want to meet up!'

I was almost done editing when I heard a knock at the door, "I'll get it" I yelled.  I walked out to the living room and opened up the door.

Joe's P.O.V
When I knocked on the door, a very gorgeous girl opened it. I'm guessing it was Ashley. There was a moment of silence between us when she opened it. It gave me a moment to inspect her.  Wavy long brown hair, blue eyes, cute little freckles, short, and petite. She's someone I can look forward to talking to.

Regular P.O.V (Ashley's)
It was Joe Sugg. Holy crap he definitely not ugly. His perfectly messy hair, his beautiful eyes, his nicely built body. Holy cow, I can get used to this.  

I started blushing when I realized the long moment of silence there was, as we starred at each other. "Come in", I said moving to the side.

"Welcome to Casa De Zoe and Ashley", I said as we both laughed.


Okay everyone!! So here's where it starts getting interesting!! So Joe had to move in with them!! I'm so excited! What do you think should happen? Let me know! ;)


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