Chapter 25

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Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up this morning next to Joe. Today is our last full day here in Florida, and I don't want to leave. I got up and kissed Joe on the forehead. I grabbed my phone and checked all of my social media, posting some of the pictures from Disneyland yesterday. I felt Joes shoulder brush against mine, I looked over and saw him sitting up next to me. I placed a kiss on his nose, causing him to smile. "I love you Ashley", he says to me, looking mr straight in the eyes. "I love you too Joseph", I said giggling, causing him to blush. "Today's our last full day here, why don't we go on a date?", Joe suggested, as I locked my phone. I nodded smiling, "where to?"
"Well that is a surprise", Joe said smiling and walking to the bathroom. "Joeee", I yelled falling backwards onto the bed. "The only thing I'm telling you is we are going to the movies with Zoe, Alfie, Tan, and Jim", Joe yelled from the bathroom.

I got up and walked to grab my phone, and saw that I got a call from my mom, so I called her back.
"Hi mom, I saw that you called?"
"Yes honey, how are you?"
"I'm great mom, and you?"
"I'm good Ash, um what are you doing right now?"
"Sitting on the bed, why?"
"Well listen, I just wanted to say that Jenna and Charlie got into a car accident"
I froze, speechless, having nothing to say.
"Hello, Honey?"
"S-s-sorry mom, are they okay?"
"Well they aren't sure what is wrong with them yet, but it was very bad. Charlie's dad called me, and said I should call and tell you. I got you two plane tickets for in two weeks if you want to come visit them, I would have gotten them for sooner, but the planes are all booked up and stuff"
"Yeah, I'll let you know thanks. I got to go mom, love you bye"
"Love you too bye bye"
I hung up.

I can't believe they got into a car accident. My best friends. What if they don't make it? I already lost my father, I can't loose them. I felt a tear slip down my face. Once one slipped, another slipped, then another.

Joe came out, all dressed nice with a happy look on his face. I looked up at him, and his happy face changed as soon as he saw I was crying. I smiled slightly at him, and looked back down at the ground.  He quickly ran over and say next to me on the bed. "What's wrong Ash, why are you crying?", he asked me, looking me into the eyes. "Jenna and Charlie got into an accident", I replied stuttering every word, tears rushing down my face. He quickly pulled me into his chest, rocking me back and forth. Saying nothing.

After a few minutes he let go of me. He grabbed my shoulders and made me face him. He looked me in the eyes. "Listen, we are going to have a great day today, okay?", he says wiping away my tear. I nod and slightly smile. "Go get ready love, we are going to lunch and the movies first with everyone, then I have something little planned for us", Joe said patting my back. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth first. When I was finished with that I did my makeup, which I did a simple foundation routine, and winged eyeliner. I put my hair in a side braid, and got dressed.

I walked out into the main room, and we decided to meet Zoe, Alfie, Tanya, and Jim. "Hey guys", I say as I walk into the lobby. They all mutter back a hey. "You look really nice today", Zoe says as she embraces me into a hug. "You too", I reply.
We had the lobby manager take a picture of all of us, and then we got into the cab and left. 

When we got to a small diner, we all sat in a big booth, waiting for someone to wait on us. After a few seconds, a little petite girl, that looks in her 20's, walks over. "Hello, my name is Amanda, and I'll be serving you tonight, shall we start with drinks?", she asked getting out her notepad and pen. "I'll take a Coke", I said smiling slightly at her, then everyone else ordered their drinks as well.
"So what movie do you guys want to see?", I asked looking up from the menu. "I want to see The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2", Tanya said. I nodded.
When the waitress brought our drinks to us, she passed them out to each of us. "Are you all ready to order?", She asked us. 

When we were finished eating our lunch, we went to the movie theater. We got 6 tickets for the new Hunger Games, and Joe and I got a large Coke, and large popcorn. Once everyone else got their snacks, we all went into the theater part where they were playing our movie. We all sat in the last row, and talked. Before the movie started, we all took a selfie, then it started.

When the movie was over, we all went to the hotel. When we got to our room, Joe came into the bathroom while I was straightening my hair. "Wear something nice. I'm taking you to dinner later", he said smiling.


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