Chapter 26

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Wear something nice. I'm taking you to dinner later", Joe said smiling. I furrowed my eyebrows, starring at him. "Go", he said shooing me to get ready.
I walk into the bathroom and change into a pink dress, and some flip flops. I straightened my hair, and re did my makeup. When I was finished I took a selfie in the full length mirror. I turned off the light in the bathroom and walked back into the main room. "I'm done", I say to Joe, as he turns around to look at me. "Stunning", he said walking over to me, placing a kiss on my lips. "So what are we gonna do?", I asked him, sitting on the bed. "Well Marcus wants me to film a collab with him and Caspar, then you and I are going to dinner", he said slipping on his shoes. I nodded.
After a little bit, we went to Marcus and Niomis hotel room, to film the collab.

After they finished filming the collab, Joe and I went to a very fancy restaurant. I walked in, the floors were marble, the walls were a creme color, the workers were dressed nice, everything was gorgeous. "Hi, how many?", the hostess asked us. "Two, I made a reservation here", Joe said to the lady. "What's your name?", she asked us. "Joe Sugg",
She nodded, "follow Jasmine, she will show you to your table."
We followed a short girl to our table. It was in a back corner, with a candle in the middle. I lightly smiled to myself.
We sat down, as a man walked up to us, "hi I'm Jason, and I'll be serving you for tonight. Here is some of our fancy wine that we give to every table", he says sitting the wine at the back of the table. "Can I start you both with drinks?", he asks, getting out his pen and notepad. "I'll take a water", Joe says looking at me. "Same for me", I add. "Alright I'll be right out with those", Jason says clicking the pen, putting it behind his ear.
"Joe this place is gorgeous", I say to Joe smiling. He reached his hand across the table, grabbing mine. "Not as gorgeous as you", he says, causing me to blush.
A few minutes later Jason brought us our drinks. "Are you ready to order?", he asks, as Joe and I both nod. "I'll take a garden salad, with ranch on the side", I said to him, closing my menu and handing it to him. "and for you?", he asks Joe.
"I'll take the steak, and broccoli."

After we were finished eating, we paid and left.
When we got to the hotel room, I took off my shoes and got into the shower. After I washed my hair, I shaved my legs and washed my body, thinking about Jenna and Charlie.

I shut off the shower and got out, wrapping the towel around me. I brushed my teeth, and dried my self off. I got into my cami and sweatpants, and put my hair into a French braid, so it would be wavy in the morning.

I walked into the main part of the room and packed all of my stuff up, since we are going back to England in the morning.
I plugged my phone in and laid down in bed, slowly falling asleep.

I woke up at 7:00am, so I could get ready to leave for the airport.
"Joe wake up", I said shaking him a little bit, causing his eyes to slowly flutter open.
I got up and threw on leggings and a hoodie, and took out my braid.
I got all my stuff ready, and we left for the airport.

When we got back to England, it was 6pm, so I went and picked up snowball. "Hi baby I missed you so much", I said cuddling her.
I took her back home, and fed her.

I washed all my dirty laundry, and put all of it away, along with everything I had packed.
I decided to make spaghetti for all of us.
When it was done I yelled for Joe and Zoe to come eat.

When I was finished, I decided to go to bed because I was extremely tired.


Okay, so that's it for this chapter!! but next chapter in fast forwarding to when they go to Rhode Island to visit Jenna, Charlie, and Ashley's mom. Also that's gonna be an ACTION packed chapter!!

This book is going to end very shortly!:(

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