Chapter 17

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I got off the plane, hand in hand with Joe. We got our luggage and went out side to call for a taxi. After about 10 minutes, they came. We threw our luggage into the trunk, and got in. When we got home, we grabbed our luggage and walked in.

Zoe and Alfie were sitting on the couch, when we sat down our stuff, Zoe sprung up and practically jumped into my arms. "I missed you! How was it? Give me details", She said as she pulled me and Joe to the kitchen, as Alfie followed.
I sat down at the table and took a deep breathe. "Well Joe and I are official, if you didn't see our video", I said smiling, as Joe put his hand on my leg. "Really? Aww yay!! I ship it! #Jashley!", she said jumping around. "And m-my dad died", I added, and all of a sudden everyone got silent. Joe squeezed my thigh tighter.

A tear tried to escape my eye, but I quickly wiped it away. I need to stay strong.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry", Zoe said running over to me and pulling me into a hug. I couldn't help but cry. Light sobs escaped me. Zoe pulled away, as Alfie walked over to give me a hug. "I love you guys", I said wiping away a tear. "We love you too", Zoe said cheerfully.

We all decided to go to bed since it was already half past eleven. I decided to sleep in what I already had on since it was leggings and a sweat shirt.
I crawled into bed, while Joe was out talking to Zoe. I tried to stay up because I wanted to kiss him goodnight, but I slowly drifted off to sleep before he could get to my room.

Joes P.O.V
"Joe come here please!", Zoe yelled for me from her room. "Yea?", I said as I walked in and shut her door. "Listen, Ashley's birthday is coming up soon, on December 12th, and its December 5th, so we need to throw a party for her!", Zoe said smiling. I nodded, "that sounds good. Why don't we have it on the 12th because thats a Saturday", I said to Zoe, as I sat onto the bed with her and Alfie. She nodded. "We can throw her a surprise party here, and I can have Louise take her out to go shopping or something, and you, Alfie, and I can all decorate, and then have everyone come. Then I can text Louise and have her bring Ash home, and we can all yell surprise and things when she gets here", Zoe says planning everything out. I nodded, "okay, we can talk more about this later, I'm going to bed. Night", I said as I walked out of Zoe's room.
I walked into Ashley's room, and stripped down into my boxers. As I crawled into bed, I noticed she was asleep. When I got situated into bed, I kissed Ashley on the forehead, and closed my eyes.

Ashley's P.O.V
I woke up in Joe's arms. I lightly grabbed his arm to move him, but he stopped me, "no stay in bed with me for a little bit", he said in his sexy morning voice that I just couldn't say no to. So I put my arm around his stomach, and just laid there.
After laying down with him and talking for another hour, we decide to get up. I go and make coffee, because I can't go on with my day without having at least one cup of coffee. When I get my coffee, I went out to the living room, and sat on the couch with Joe. I grab the remote, and turn on Netflix because I needed to catch up on Pretty Little Liars.

"What do you want to do today?", Joe asked me as he locked his phone. "Well I just want to order take out and watch movies all day, how does that sound?", I said to Joe as I took a drink of my coffee. "Well Caspar and I are going flat hunting today at five, and he's back with Gabby, and I think she is going, if you would like to go with us", Joe said to me as he pulled me closer to him. "Sure I'll go, but we all have to go out to eat, because I want to get to know Gabby, if I'm gonna be around her more, okay?", I said to Joe, who nodded in response. Joe grabbed his phone and called Caspar. "Hey Casp, Ashley is going to tag along today okay?", "Alright", "Gabby's going as well right?", "Alright, well we all should go out to dinner as well", "Alright bye mate."
"He wants to leave at 3 now, so we can hunt for flats, then get dinner at 5" Joe said standing up, "so lets go get ready."

I got up and decided to get a shower because my hair is ratchet. When I was finished, I brush my teeth, and blow dried my hair. When I was done drying it, I plugged in my hair straightener, and got dressed while it heated up.

(btw it's December in the book right now)

When I was finished getting dressed, and straightening my hair, I did simple makeup, and I was ready to go. Joe walked out into the living room, all ready to go. "You look nice", Joe said to me giving me a kiss on the forehead. Caspar should be here soon to pick us up, so I slipped on my flats and grabbed my phone, as I heard a beep. Hmm sooner than I thought. Joe and I walked out and got into the back seat of Caspars car. "Hi Caspar", I said to him as I buckled my seat belt. "And you must be Gabby", I said reaching out my hand to shake hers, "I'm Ashley." She smiled and gladly shook my hand.

We met the lady that was taking us to flats, and the first flat she took us to was very small, it had mold in the kitchen, there was two bedrooms with pink walls, and it was filthy, and stinky.
The second flat she took us to was nice, but small.
But the last one was perfect. It had a very spacious living area with wooden floors, and a little kitchen. It had a down stairs and everything. "I think this is the one", Joe said nudging Caspar's shoulder, who quickly nodded. Gabby and I looked at each other and nodded, because if we are going to be visiting here, then we had a nice place to come to.

Joe and Caspar walked up to the real estate lady (I think thats what you would call her, right?) as Gabby and I went out to the car. "So how are you and Caspar?", I asked her, as I buckled my seat belt. "We are pretty good", she said as she turned around to face me as we just talked. I finally was able to get a good look at her, and she was really pretty.

"Well ladies, thats Joe and I's new flat", Caspar said getting in the car and starting it up. I smiled at Joe and patted his shoulder. "Dinner shall we?", Gabby asks. We all say yes, and head to Nandos.


When Caspar dropped Joe and I off back home, I get Gabbys number and we plan to go shopping sometime.
It was seven o'clock now, so I decided to change into pajamas, and shower, because I wasn't gonna do anything else tonight anyways. When I went to the kitchen to sit at the counter, I got a text from Jim that said 'Having a small get together tomorrow night at 8! Hope you all can attend.' All? Oh this is a group message. It contained Joe, Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Caspar, Niomi, Dan, Phil, Troye, and Louise. Well I guess I have plans for tomorrow now.


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