Chapter 23

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Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up this morning next to naked Joe, and damn.  
I got up and hopped into the shower, washing my hair first, then my body. I shaved my legs, got out and got dressed. Today is the first show, and I'm really excited. I got dressed into white high waisted jeans, and a black New York crop top, then I brushed my teeth. I put on simple makeup, and straightened my hair. When I was completely done getting ready, I woke up Joe so he could get ready as well.

When we were completely ready, Joe and I went down and met Zoe, Alfie, Louise, Jim, and Tanya down stairs in the cab. "Where's everyone else?", I ask bucking up. "Nobody else has shows today, so they didn't come", Jim replied turning around and looking across the seats at me. I nodded.

When we got to the building where the show was, we got our name tags and went to the green room.

"Hey, I'm taking you somewhere later, after our shows, and it's a surprise", Joe said to me sitting on the couch. I nodded my head, and sat next to him. I started a conversation with Tanya and Louise about horrid stories about MAC cosmetics, whilst Jim and Joe talked about YouTube. A few minutes later one of the people that worked at playlist came into the green room. He had curly brown hair, blue eyes, and a perfect jaw line, and honestly, he wasn't bad looking.

We all looked up to him as he spoke, "hi, I'm Sam, and I'm here to tell Tanya, Louise, and Ashley that it's there time up on stage", he said looking at his keyboard and back up at us, locking eyes with me, "right this way ladies." I got up and said goodbye to the boys, "good luck", Joe shouted. I smiled and walked towards Sam, who was going to guide us to the stage.
When we were backstage, we stood for a few seconds, as I was looking around, my eyes landed on Sams, who winked at me. I quickly looked away, as my face started to light up.
"First off, we have the gorgeous Tanya Burr", I heard someone on stage say, as Tanya walked on stage, as the crowd roared. I'll be lucky if I get one person to clap.
"Next up we have SprinkleOfGlitter, a.k.a Louise", I heard again, Louise walking on stage, the crowd screaming just as loud. "and last, but certainly not least, we have Ashley Marie Roberts", the announcer said, dragging out my last name. I ran on stage, prepared to get no applaud.
As soon as I stepped on stage, the crowd went wild. I thought my ear drums popped, they were so loud. I waved and smiled. There had to be at least 500 people in here.
I sat down in between Louise, and Tanya.
"Okay, so we are going to all be answering a few questions first off", Tanya said smiling, "so if you have any questions for us, raise your hand, and as we call on you, someone will come over and hold a mic up to you."
Almost all of the hands raised. "The beautiful young lady with blonde curly hair, and pink shirt", Louise says pointing. "Hi my name is Selena, and my question is for Ashley", she said looking at me smiling. I nodded and listened, "how are you and Joe?"
I took a deep breathe and spoke, "we are great actually, thank you for asking." She smiled and sat down.
"You in the blue dress, with red hair", I said pointing at the girl in the front row, as she rose. "Yes, my name is Valeria, my question is for Tanya, when is your new makeup line coming out? I'm really excited for it."
"I'm not quite sure yet, But it will be sometime in February, and I'm excited too! I've been working on it for a long time", Tanya said cheerfully.


After a few more questions, the last question was for me.

"The girl with brown hair in the 3rd row, with the black blazer on", Louise says. The girl stands up, looking angry, "My name is Julia, and my question is for Ashley", she says turning and looking me dead in the eyes. I'm kinda weirded out honestly. She looks like she wants to rip my face off.
I nodded and listened to Julia, "why did you get together with Joe? He's my man, and you stole him from me", she said, starting to scream. I got frightened, "umm", I said looking around to Tanya and Louise with wide eyes, and back to the girl. "Are you gonna answer the question?", she said screaming, walking towards the stage.
Security ran out and got her.

That was weird.

A little later, it was now a meet and greet for the people that bought a VIP ticket. I sat down in between Tanya and Louise again, ready to talk to the fans.
Multiple went by, many pictures were taken, and multiple things were signed.

The last girl that went through skipped Tanya, and came straight to me. "Hi I'm Nikki", She said, nervousness showing through her eyes. "Hi there Nikki", I said back smiling.
"I just wanted to say that your my inspiration. I used to self harm, and that kind of stuff, I was so unhappy at one point, but once I found your videos I stopped, and became a completely different person. I love your videos, and I ship you and Joe", she said sniffling a bit.
I felt tears coming to my eyes, but made sure they didn't fall. I got up, and walked around to the other side of the table, embracing her into a hug. "Listen, you are gorgeous, and I'm glad you don't self harm, and I'm glad I'm the reason that you quit, never give up on yourself", I said to her holding onto her shoulders, as she nodded. We took a picture, and I followed her on Instagram and Twitter.

When we were finished, I got into a cab with Tanya and Louise. When I got to the hotel, it was already 6, so Joe and I decided to get room service.
After we ate, I talked about how my day went, and I went to bed.


Just a filler chapter, but I still hope you enjoyed.

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QOTD- Favorite fast food restaurant??


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