Chapter 21

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Joe's P.O.V

Ashley was talking to us guys, having a great time, when all of a sudden she fell backwards. I caught her, and made sure she didn't hit her head. I shook her, trying to see if she was okay, but she wouldn't move, or talk. "Someone call 911!", I yelled loud enough that caused everyone to look towards me. "Hello, we have a girl here that passed out or something at 'Woodlands Pub' on 985 woodland rd", I heard Jim say into his phone.

When the paramedics showed up, they took Ashley away on a stretcher, and was off to the hospital. Zoe, Alfie, and Marcus stood around me, with there arms around me. "She's going to be alright mate", Marcus said in a small tone. "I'm going to the hospital", I said walking out to find a cab, followed by Jim. Once we got a cab, we drove off quickly to the hospital. When we got there, we bursted in, and went to the front desk. "We are looking for Ashley Roberts", Jim said calmly to the front desk woman. "What are your names?", She asked him. "Jim and Joe", Jim replied. "Please take a seat in the waiting room and we will let you in as soon as possible", she said smiling to us. We walked over and sat down, but after what felt like an hour, but was really was 5 minutes, I got up and paced around. I need to know if she is okay. What if something really bad happened? She is my life. I can't loose her.

After an actual hour passed, Zoe, Alfie, and Tanya showed up. "Did you see her yet?", Zoe asked running up, being followed by Alfie and Tanya. I shook my head, and started biting my nails. I felt tears coming in my eyes, and Tanya noticed. "Hey, hey, hey. Listen, Ashley is going to be alright. I promise", she said trying to comfort me. I nodded and took a seat, calming down a bit. I put my hands in my pocket, and felt that Ashleys vlogging camera was in my pocket, so I got it out and decided to update her subscribers for her. "Okay guys so its Joe. Um for Ashleys party, we all went out to a pub, and she got really sick and is now in the hospital, which Zoe, Alfie, Jim, Tanya and I are here in the waiting room, waiting to see if she-", I started, but I was cut off by a nurse walking into the waiting room. "Hi, um are you the people here waiting for Ashley?", she asks walking up to us. We all nod, waiting to hear what she has to say. "Okay, well Ashley is okay, she just passed out from being very intoxicated, so she is awake now. Um they doctors did some blood work, and she is okay to leave. They are getting her things now", the nurse said, as Ashley and the doctors came out. She gave me a slight smile, and got off the wheel chair. I ran over to her and gave her a hug. "I'm glad your okay", I whispered into her ear. "Dang I partied hard", she said giggling as we came out of the hug. I love that about her, she always makes the best out of bad situations. She gave everyone else a hug, and we left. It was about half past three, when we got home.
Ashley sat on the couch and played with snowball, as I thanked the guys for watching the dog.

"Let's go into bed, you need rest", I said reaching out my hand for her to grab it. She kindly took it. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to her room. I laid her onto her bed, so I could take off my shirt and pants, so I was left in my boxers. When I walked back over to Ashley's bed, I saw she was asleep. I decided to help her dress into her pajamas, so I took off the clothes she had on, and slid on one of my teeshirts onto her. I hopped in bed and slowly fell asleep.


I think next chapter I will make them be getting ready for playlist!

I'm skipping Christmas in the story, because I feel like it would be kind of dumb.

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QOTD- Do you guys have any books published??


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