Chapter 14

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Joes P.O.V

I woke up next to Ashley, she was sound asleep.  I want to do something for her today because of how sad she is. I figured I could try and make her feel better.  

I got up out of bed extra early and went down stairs to make Ashley breakfast in bed.  First I cook up some eggs, and made sure I scrambled them.  When I was done with them, I put them onto a plate and move onto the bacon.  I put four strips of bacon on the pan, and put toast into the toaster.  When the toast popped out of the toaster, it gave me a bit of a fright.   I put the bacon on the plate, along with the now buttered toast.  I make Ashley a cup of coffee, with her favorite creamer flavor, and take that all upstairs.  I grab a little lap tray from the side of the bed, and sit all the food down on it. 
I get onto the bed, and shake Ashley a little bit until she finally starts to open her eyes. "Good morning beautiful", I said to her, hoping that boosts her confidence.  She just smiled, "Good morning, um why did you wake me up?", She asks me rubbing her eyes, sitting up. I smirked at her and got off the bed. I walk around to the other side of the bed and grab the fresh breakfast I just made Ashley.  I sit it down on her lap and say "here is the start to a great day baby."  She smiles brightly, and thats the beautiful smile I was hoping for. "Thank you so much Joe", Ashley says, delight filling her eyes.

When Ashley finish's eating, I give her a kiss on her forehead and grab the tray.  I take the tray down stairs to wash the dishes Ashley just ate off of.  As I'm washing dishes Ashley came into the kitchen and sat on the counter, "so what do you have planned for today?", she asked me.   "Its a surprise", I reply back to her, "but wear something nice because we are going to a dinner tonight after everything we are going to do today."

Ashley's P.O.V

I finished getting ready, and I was wearing an above the knee black dress, that fit my curves nicely.  I had my hair curled, and simple makeup.  I took a selfie, and posted it on Instagram.  

"Are you ready to go?" Joe asked me as I slipped on my black converse. I nodded, and grabbed my phone.  I walked out to the car, and Joe decided to drive.  "Where are we going first?", I asked Joe, as he turned on the radio. "We are going to go to the mall, and I'm going to get you something for any store you want", He said smirking at me.  Victoria's Secret. "Okay", I said to him turning up the radio more as 'Sorry' by Justin Bieber came on. This is my favorite song, so I started singing along with it.  "Do you like Justin Bieber?", Joe asked me laughing.  I nodded, "He is my favorite singer ever! If I met him I would probably pass out."

When we got to the mall, Joe told me to stay in the car. He got out, and opened my door for me. "What store do you want to go into?", Joe asked me as we walked into the mall.  I grabbed his hand and pulled him over into Victoria's Secret. When we get inside I look at him and smile. He rolls his eyes at me, and I continue to pull him into the store. I walk over to the hoodies, because I'm in love with Victoria's Secret hoodies.  I get one and we pay, and leave.

"Thank you for getting me a hoodie babe. I'll make it up to you", I said to Joe smirking.  He rolled his eyes and laughed at me. "Where to now?", I asked Joe grabbing his hand. "Well now we are going to go to the movies and see 'The Fault In Our Stars'", Joe said squeezing my hand tighter.  "Really? Oh my gosh I really have been wanting to see that!", I said to Joe practically jumping up and down. 


We were on our way out to eat. We are going to 'Camillies', which is my favorite restaurant!  Joe's makes me so happy. He's doing everything he can to keep me in a good mood today, after my dad passing. 

When we get to the restaurant, the hostess takes us to our table. She was a skinny brunette, a gorgeous, skinny brunette. Joe didn't even had the intention to look at her or anything, and I find that sweet.  "Your waiter will be right with you", she says as she smiles at us with her fake smile.  

Joe and I look through the menu, and I decide I want a salad.  "Hi I'm Jimmy, and I'll be serving you tonight. Can I start you guys off with drinks?", Our waiter says as he clicks his pen and is ready to write. "I'll take a water, and she will have a coke", Joe says to the waiter. How did Joe know I liked coke? "We are ready to order our dinner too I think", He adds.    
"I'll take a Greek salad with a side of fries", I said to the waiter smiling and giving him my menu.  
"I'll have your original burger", Joe said in his cute British accent that could make me melt, like literally.  "Alright I'll be right out with your drinks, and the food will take about 20 minutes to get finished", the waiter said as he grabbed our menus, and walked away. 

Joe and I talk about many different things -- things we like, when hes moving in with Caspar, if they even found an apartment yet, about my family, my past, his family, his past -- We are just having a great time. 


When we get home, I'm exhausted. I go straight to the kitchen and tell my mom all about it.  When I'm finished I go upstairs and change into sweatpants and a cami. I grab my phone and sit down on the bed.  Joe walks up, fresh out the shower -- he's dressed of course -- and sits down next to me. "I had a great time with you today", he says to me kissing my cheek.  "I did too Joe. Thank you for today. It means a lot that you care this much about me", I said smiling and kissing him on the lips.  He tries to pull away but I wouldn't let him. I get on top of him and continue kissing him.  I went to take of his shirt, but he stops me, "are we really going to do this now? This early in our relationship?", he asks me holding my wrists.  

I take a few seconds to think about it, leaving us in silence.  


Haha, you're welcome for the cliffhanger ;)
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