Chapter 19

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I woke up this morning chest to chest with Joe, naked. Last night I gave it to him. I let him take something very precious to me. My virginity. Yes I said it! My virginity! I know I'm almost twenty one, but its a big thing to me, and I wanted to give it to someone I think I'm going to be with for a long time, and hopefully forever, and that's Joe.

I got up out of my bed, and walked over to my dresser grabbing underwear, a bra, and my outfit for today. I went over to my bathroom and turned on the water to the shower. When the temperature was just right, I hopped in. When I was finished washing my body and my hair, I got out and wrapped a towel securely around my body. I brushed my teeth, and washed my face, then blew dry my hair. When I finished that, I got dressed into my outfit for today, which was white ripped skinny jeans, a lace red long sleeve shirt, and tan flats. Then did my makeup.

I walked back into my bedroom to grab my phone, and I saw Joe taking a thousand selfies on it. "Joe, stop it", I yelped to him. He jumped up and ran out of my room, so I chased him. I chased him into the guest room, out through the hallway, into the living room and then to the kitchen, and he finally got to a dead end. "ha, what are you going to do now buddy?", I said to Joe with a mischievous smile, as he looked around for a way to run. "How about you just give me the phone, and everything will be okay", I say sticking out my hands and walking slowly towards him. "Lets make a deal", he said holding his hands up in surrender. "Go on", I speak. "I'll give you your phone back, and delete all the selfies I took, if you give me a kiss", he said smirking. I nodded, so I walked up to him, and gave him a few sloppy kisses, and grabbed my phone, flipping my hair as I walked away.

"Hello?", I said into my phone.
"Heeeellllooooo", Marcus said back "Do you think you could come over now? I have nothing else to do, and I set up a little early"
"Sure, do you mind if Joe tags along?"
"I don't mind one bit, cya soon" Marcus said as he hung up the phone, as well as I.

"Come on Joe, Marcus wants me to go over now", I yelled to Joe as I quickly slipped on my flats.
"I'm coming, I'm coming", he barked back.

We walked out to the car, and got in. I buckled up and waited for Joe to take off. I turned on some music, and it happened to be my favorite song; 'Love Yourself' by Justin Bieber. I started singing along, which caused Joe to giggle.

When we got to Marcus's house, I grabbed my camera equipment, and my phone, and walked to the front door. I knocked, and stepped back, waiting for him to open up. After a second or two, he opened up the door welcoming me inside. I sat my equipment down, and gave Marcus a hug.
"Its nice to see you, Ashley", Marcus said as we pulled out of our hug. I smiled at him as he walked over and gave Joe a quick manly hug.


When we finished both of our videos, Joe and Marcus decided to film a video together, so Niomi and I sat and talked. "I need to go Christmas shopping", I said fixing my hair and pulling it up. "I'm actually getting ready to go shopping here in a few moments, would you like to come?", Niomi asked me, slipping on her boots. "Sure let me go say bye to Joe and Marcus", I said walking into the bedroom where Joe and Marcus were filming.
"I hate to interrupt, but I'm going Christmas shopping with Niomi. I'll see you boys back here in a bit", I said leaning down and giving Joe a kiss. "Bye", Joe and Marcus said in sync. I went back into the living room, slipped on my shoes, and was out the door.

Niomi and I hopped into her car and made our way to the mall. The first place we went to was American Eagle, because I wanted to shop for some of the guys that I am friends with, and maybe Joe, and some family.

"So how have you and Marcus been?", I asked Niomi, as we looked though the men t-shirts. "We've been great actually, how about you and Joe?" "Joe and I are amazing."


After I finished my Christmas shopping, along with Niomi, we took all of our bags to her car, and went back to her and Marcus's home.

When we got back to her house, I put off of my shopping bags into Joe's car, and said goodbye to Niomi and Marcus.

When I got back home, I took all of my bags to my closet, so that nobody could see what I got them. I went out into the living room, to see Joe and Alfie playing a video game. "Where is Zoe at?", I asked them, as Alfie pointed towards the kitchen. I turned around and walked into the kitchen, to find Zoe making dinner. "Hello Zoe", I said to her, as she turned to face me. "Hello, could you hand me the eggs from the fridge please?", She asked as she turned around. I nodded, and grabbed the eggs from the fridge. "Whats for dinner?", I asked her. "We are having breakfast for dinner", she said smiling brightly. I giggled, and sat on the chair watching her cook up some nice smelling breakfast dinner.

When we all finished eating, we all decided to watch some movies. After a little bit into the movie, I fell asleep.



Okay, so I'm sorry this was short, and boring, but I NEEDED to get a chapter up! Next chapter will be Ashley's birthday party day!  Another thing, I don't know much about what stores are in the shopping malls in England.  So bare with me :)

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