Chapter 18

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I woke up this morning, next to Joe who was facing the other way, so I could actually get out of bed easily. I got up and went to the kitchen, to make some coffee. When I was finished, i grabbed my phone and sat on the couch. I scrolled through social media, and checked my new twitter followers. I saw that Marcus Butler followed me, and I almost died. I know that I know him and stuff, but I'm still a huge fan. I got a dm from him asking if he would like to get together tomorrow to film a collab, and I gladly said yes.

After about an hour of sitting on my phone, Joe walked out into the living room. "Goodmorning sleepy head", I said leaning up to give him a kiss. He smiled and sat down next to me with his phone in his hand, with the Twitter app popped up. "Speaking of Twitter, Marcus followed me, and asked to collab tomorrow", I said fangirling. Joe laughed, "Thats nice sweetheart." I nodded, "what are you doing today?", Joe looked up from his phone and said "Oli is coming over to film a collab." I slowly nodded, looking back down at my phone. Seeing that I had multiple follows from many different YouTubers, including Tanya, Jim, Niomi, and Joey Graceffa. I fangirled pretty hard inside my head.

After a little bit of talking to Joe, I decided to go make myself look presentable since Oli is coming over later. I decide to shower first. I grabbed my outfit for today, and walked into the bathroom. I stripped off my clothes, and turned on the shower. When the temperature was just right, I stepped in as the hot water hit my back. After washing my body, my hair, and shaving everything that needed shaved, I got out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it securly around my body. I walked over to the sink and brushed my teeth. I wiped the excess toothpaste from my mouth, and decided to get dressed. I did my makeup, which was just my foundation routine, and mascara. I finally finished off getting ready by blow drying my hair, straightening it, and putting on a black bandana.

I walked out to the living room, and looked at the time on my phone: noon. Oli shouldn't be here until 4. I went out to the kitchen to make Joe and I lunch while he got ready and set up his lighting and stuff in the living room. I grabbed the bread from the cupboard, and the turkey, mayonnaise, and swiss cheese from the fridge. I made Joe two sandwiches, and me one. "Joe come get your lunch", I yelled to Joe. Joe walked to the kitchen, and I handed him his sandwiches. "Thank you babe", he said leaning in for a kiss, that I kindly accepted. After I finished eating, I went to check on Zoe, because I haven't seen her out of her room all day.
I walked up to her door and knocked, no answer. I knocked again, thinking that she maybe didn't hear me. But after I got no answer, I opened her door, and saw nobody. Strange. I grabbed my phone and sent her a quick text asking where she might be.
After a few minutes, she replied with "Alfie and I are out. We are going Christmas shopping." I decided not to answer.

I walked to the living room to ask Joe what him and Oli were filming for his channel. "Well we are going to be doing the humming challenge, and when one of us gets one wrong, we have to eat a dog treat", Joe said with a mischievous smile. "Aww I want a dog", I said out of the blue, "but anyway, how are you going to be getting dog treats?" "Well I was wondering if you could run to the grocery store for me?", he said batting his eyes. I giggled and nodded. I went to my room to grab my phone and my purse. "I'll be back", I said slipping on my Nike shoes. Joe walked over to me and gave me a kiss.

I put my key into the ignition and turned on some music as I drove away to the store.
When I got there, I shut off my car, and grabbed my purse, and phone. I got out of the car and walked up to this small little store. I walked in and looked up at the signs hanging from the ceiling that said where everything is. "Cosmetics, Food, Pet care", "Ahh there it is", I said to my self, walking to the pet care isle. I scanned over the dog treats, grabbing the cheapest, and grossest sounding kind. After looking for a minute or so, I decided on chicken gravy flavor.
I went to the cosmetics isle, so that I could get face wash for my face. As I was looking, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl, that seems to be about 13, standing there staring at me. "Um, hello", I said very confused. "Hi! My name is Olivia, and I'm obsessed with your videos!" She-I mean Oliva- said smiling, her eyes bright. "Hi! Its nice to meet you", I said embracing her into a hug. After the hug, she kept talking, "Could you maybe take a picture with me?" I nodded, while smiling. She pulled out her phone and took a selfie with me. "Thank you so much! Bye!" she said walking away. "Your welcome, goodbye", I said back to her as I waved.
I grabbed my face wash, paid, and went back home.

When I got home, I saw an unfamiliar car there. I walked inside, and saw Joe and Oli sitting on the couch. "Hey babe", Joe said getting up to get the treats. I smiled at him. "Oli, this is Ashley", Joe says, gesturing towards me. Oli stands up, and reaches out his hand, "nice to meet you Ashley." I smiled, "you too."


When Joe and Oli were done filming, Joe took down his set up, as I called Zoe. "Hello?" Zoe said into the phone. "Hiya, are you coming home tonight or staying at Alfie's?", "I'm staying with Alfie tonight actually, but I have to stop home later to get clothes, and talk to Joe about something", "Alright, are you guys having dinner here?", "No, Alfie and I are getting take out", "Alright cya soon" Then I hung up. "Oli, would you like to have dinner with us?", I asked him smiling slightly. "No, actually I have a date tonight at 7", he said with a sympathetic smile. I nodded. "Joe, I'm going to order a pizza", I yelled to him. "Yeah", he yelled back from the guest bedroom.

After Oli left, I ordered a pizza, and had it delievered. When the pizza got here, I paid them and took it to the kitchen. I opened it up and put two slices on my plate, and three on Joe's. "Thanks", Joe said, walking over and sitting at the table. I nodded.

When we were finished, we just chilled out and watched a movie. After we were halfway into the movie, Zoe came home.

After we were halfway into the movie, Zoe came home. "Hi", Zoe said walking in and taking off her boots, Alfie by her side. "Hi Zoe, hey Alf", I said smiling at them. Alfie smiled and sat on the couch next to Joe and I. "I'm going to go get some clothes to stay with Alfie tonight, I'll be back", Zoe said smiling and walking back to her room. "Joe, could you come here by the way", she yelled. "yeah coming", he replied getting up and walking to Zoe's room. Alfie and I just sat there and talked about a bunch of irrelevant stuff.

Joes P.O.V

I walked back into Zoella's room to find her sitting on her bed. "Yea?", I asked her confused.
"It's about Ashley's party"
I nodded.
"So I was thinking maybe we could have it like this Saturday, which is the 12th, at like 8."
I again nodded.
"Why are you not talking Joe?"
"Sorry, I don't know what I am supposed to be saying."
"Ugh nevermind, but we are having it here right?"
I again nodded.
"Okay, well should I ask Louise if she can steal Ashley for a while until everyone is here at 8?"
"Yeah, that should be fine"
Zoe nodded.
"Well is that all?"
Zoe nodded, and shooed me out of her room.

I walked back into the living room and sat down next to Ashley. "what was that all about?", she asked me looking confused. "Youtube", I bluntly replied.

Ashley's P.O.V

After Zoe and Alfie left, Joe and I continued our movie. After that movie was over, we decided to turn on another. After we were half way into the movie, I felt like there was someone staring at me, so I looked over at Joe, who was the one looking at me. "yeah?", I asked turning around so that I can look at him better. "Your just so damn beautiful", he said to me, looking me up and down. "Thanks Joe", I said, my face now starting to heat up to a bright red. "And your body, is just damn", he said grabbing my thigh.
We sat there staring into each others eyes for a little, then he leaned in and started kissing me, in the middle of us kissing, he picks me up and carries me to my room. He lays me onto the bed, and gets on top of me, kissing me even more. He begins to slowly lift up his shirt, then mine.

Then it all went up hill from there!

Now, I know it was kinda early for them to have sex, but its a fanfiction, soooo deal with it. ;)

But anyways, THEY HAD SEX!!! WHAT?!?! I cant believe it. My little Ashley is growing up so fast!

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QOTD- who's you're favorite actor??


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