Chapter 10

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I sat up and stretched, as I rubbed my eyes. I reached over to my bed side table and grabbed my phone, I has 3 texts from my mom telling me to call her. I stood up and dialed my moms number as I walked to the kitchen, 'Hello?', my mom said into the phone, sounding like she was out of breath. 'Hey mom, what's up?', I asked, excited to finally talk to her. 'Listen honey, your dad, he got very sick the other night', she said running out of breath. 'Yeah?', I said reaching and grabbing a plate from the cupboard. 'Well he couldn't breathe, so I took him to the emergency room, and they put him in the hospital, they ran tests and everything, and they found out that his lungs filled with water, and so they ran more tests, and found out that he has lung cancer', she said as she stuttered the words lung cancer.

I dropped the plate that was in my hand. I stood there silent, trying to take in everything my mom just told me. I fell to the ground in tears. I can't believe this. I hung up on my mom and just sat on the floor, as Joe ran out into the kitchen, "Oh my gosh, what in the bloody hell hap-", he cut himself off as he looked at me and saw me crying, "Ashley, are you alright? What's wrong?", he asked as he pulled my into his chest. After a long hug, I pulled away and saw a wet stain from my tears on his shirt. "Sorry", I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. "Whats wrong?", he asked me. I look up into his piercing blue eyes, "my dad got diagnosed with l-l-lung cancer." Joe's eyes widened, full with sympathy. "Oh Ash I'm so sorry, everything will be okay. I'm sure your dad is a very tough man", Joe said pulling me into another hug. He stood up and put his hand out to reach for mine, and helped me to my feet.

I walked to my room and again called my mom. 'Sorry mom, I didn't mean to hang up on you.', I said sniffling. 'It's alright honey'  'I think I want you to come back to Rhode Island, just for a week or 2, to visit dad, ya know?', I said as I pulled my blanket up to my chest.  'That sounds great honey, but I don't want you traveling alone, with you being upset and all. I'll buy you two plane tickets, so you and whoever else you want to bring can come as well' she said in a fake cheerful voice.       Joe.

After I caught my mom up with everything that has been happening in my life, she said that she wanted to meet Joe, so I thought that maybe I could bring him along. 

'I love you mom, I'll call you tomorrow.' I say into the phone as I hung up. 

I miss my mom. I miss when we would always have a girls day every Sunday, and go shopping and go to lunch.


"Hey Joe, could we talk?", I ask him as I walk into the guest room.  Joe looks up, shuts his laptop, and puts it to the side. "Sure", he says as he scoots over on the bed, gesturing for me to take a seat.
"So I think I'm going to go back to Rhode Island for a week, but my mom is buying me two plane tickets, because she doesn't want me to travel alone", I say as Joe nods, "So do you think maybe you would like to come with me? If not it's fine, but I figured I would ask you", I say looking down at my hands.
He puts his hand on my chin and pulls my head up, so that I am now making eye contact with him, "I'd love too."


(Skip forward to when they are in the airport because I was gonna make them leave the next day anyways.)

As Joe and I walk into the airport, we are immediately surrounded by teenage girls asking us both for pictures.

After a few selfies, and hugs, we finally go to sit at our gate, with an hour to spare, so I grab my phone and plug it in. I look over at Joe, and see him sleeping, so I decided to make the best of that, and scare him. I yell "Joe help", but not to loud, so that I didn't have multiple people staring at me. Joe springs up, and I burst into laughter. He looks at me with the 'you're a bitch' face, and closes his eyes again. 

"We are now boarding the plane for Rhode Island", I heard over the loud speaker. I shake Joe, as he slowly opens his eyes, so I gesture him to follow me.
I walked onto the plane and sat next to Joe, in our assigned seats. I grab my ear buds from my carry on bag, and plug them into my phone.  I went to my music app and put on 'Sorry' by Justin Bieber. I soon felt my eye lids getting heavy, and I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


We were exiting the plane, as Joe grabbed my hand, and we intertwined our fingers together. I looked down at our hands and smiled.

We grabbed all of our luggage, and walked out of the building. I was looking for my moms red 'Jeep Wrangler' as I see it slowly pull up. I dropped my luggage and ran over to my mom as she walked up the sidewalk. I practically dove into her arms, and gave her a huge hug.  I missed her so much.

Joe's POV

Ashley let go of my hand and dropped her luggage, as she ran over to a short older lady. I'm guessing that's her mom.  She hugged her for about a few minutes, until she let go. They walk over to me. "Mom, this is Joe", Ashley says to her mom, gesturing towards me.  I give her a slight smile, as she pulls me into a brief hug. "Your a handsome young mag, Joe. Ashley told me all about you", Ashley's mom said to me as she pulled out of the hug, "I'm Georgia by the way" I gave her a smile, and said "well it is a pleasure to meet you Georgia."
"Well let's get going, we don't have all day", Georgia says, as she helps us with out luggage and walks over towards her jeep.
I think we are going to have a good time here in Rhode Island, I thought as I grabbed Ashley's hand and give her a peck on the cheek.


I hope that this chapter was long enough!!!
I can't believe her dad got lung cancer! 

It's really an awful thing. My uncle had lung cancer, he died from it. It sucked.  I just wish there was no such thing as cancer!

Please vote and comment what you think!

(I'm going to start doing questions of the day!)
QOTD- Whats your favorite TV show??


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