Chapter 6

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I got a call from Caspar Lee, "Hello?" I said into the phone.
"Hello, its Caspar! I was wondering what you were up to today?", He asked me in a very cheerful voice.
"Nothing actually, why?", I asked him kind of confused.
"Would you like to collab today?", he asked me, his voice deep.
"Sure! Let me get ready and I'll come over", I said hanging up the phone.

I rushed to my room to get ready. I straightened my hair, and put a small bump in it, I did my everyday natural makeup, as well as some red lipstick. I put on a black t-shirt with an Aztec cardigan, and some skinny jeans.

When I was finished getting ready, I asked Joe if he could drive me to Caspar's. He kindly said yes. It was about one, so when I got to Caspar's I asked Joe to come pick me up at seven. I got out of the car, and grabbed my tripod and camera from the back seat. "Thanks again!" I yelled to Joe as I walked into Caspar's home.

It was quite nice in there, a nice small couch, very feminine, probably because he lives with his sister. Caspar walked into the living room, with khaki pants on, and a plain gray t-shirt.  He was very tall, and kinda cute in person.
"Hello there Ashley", Caspar said, reaching to shake my hand, I stood on my toes and decided to give him a hug, "I'm a hugger", I said giggling. He just smiled.
"So what are we filming for your channel?", he asked me smiling, shit I didn't think of that.
"I didn't think about that actually, um what about Truth or Dare? I can tweet out and ask everyone for some", I said as a suggestion. "Sure, and we can do the same on mine", he says, grabbing his phone to tweet.


"Hey everybody! Its Ashelyyyy", I said dragging out the Y, "today I am here with Caspar Lee!", I said, like a game show host. "Hello everyone my name is Caspar Lee", he said with a big smile.
"So I got on Twitter and asked for you guys to tweet me some truth and dares, so Caspar and I put them in a bowl, and now we are going to do them", I said smiling and looking at Caspar.


"Alright here's the last one", I said putting my hand into the bowl and opening it up, "okay it's a dare, I dare you two to kiss", it said, Caspar must have written it because I didn't. "Umm, I mean I-", and I was cut off by a kiss from Caspar.  He let go, "I-I'm sorry", he said looking down.  "It's okay."

He stood up and shut off my camera, "what are you doing?", I asked him, confusion showing through my eyes.
He walked over to me and put his hand up to my face, his big hands covered my whole face. He was starring straight into my eyes. He looked from my lips to my face, multiple times, and he leaned in, crashing his lips into mine.  I didn't want to stop him because he was so good at this, but I had to because I like Joe. 
"Caspar", I said in between kisses.
He removed his hands from my face, and his lips from mine, "I'm sorry, I just, I got carried away", he said looking down at his feet. 
I grabbed his hand and said, "you're a great guy, but I can't do this, I like Joe."
He looked down to the ground and nodded, "let's just finish filming your video then we will film mine", he said scooting over.


"Bye Caspar, thanks for doing a collab with me" I said standing on my toes and saying bye. 
"It's was a pleasure, lets not make anything awkward between us", he whispered.

I nodded, walked out of his house and out to Joes car. "Hello Joe, thanks for coming to get me", I said buckling my seat belt.  He just smiled, and started driving. 

"So Caspar kissed me" I said to him look out the window.
"Did you kiss him back?" He asked me, sadness in his eyes.
"No I didn't, I told him that I liked you." I said stuttering a bit.
I looked over and saw his cheeks light up like a light, and a small smile appear on his face.


I walked into my room and sat on my bed, with my laptop in hand.  I turned on some Pretty Little Lairs, and relaxed.

After about 2 episodes, Joe walked in, "Hey, what up?", He asked me sitting down on my bed with me.
"Just watching some Pretty Little Liars", I said pushing pause.
"Well I'm gonna watch it with you", he says as he moves to the other side of the bed and got under the covers.
I just smiled to myself and cuddled up next to him.

Then I fell asleep


Hey Guys! I know this was short, but hopefully it was sweet? lol.


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