Chapter 4

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It's been a few days since Joe had moved in, let's just say, it's been awkward.  I feel like he has a flirtatious personality, but I like that.  He's so sweet, and very kind, and let's not forget how good looking he is.  Zoe has asked me about how I feel about him today. I didn't know what to say. The other day, he kinda saw me in a way I didn't want him to see yet, here's what happened.

'I was in the bathroom undressing, getting ready for a shower, when I heard someone walk into my room. I figured is was Zoe, so I let it go. I was bent over reaching to turn on the shower, when the door opened, I gasped, and turned around. It was Joe. "I'm sorry." He said as he rushed out closing the door.  That was the most awkward thing ever. I'm not going to be able to look at him the same now. 

After my shower, I got dressed, and washed my face.  I went downstairs and sat on the couch next to Zoe, "So Joe just walked in on me" after a long pause I continued, "naked."
Zoe's eyes widened, "what in the bloody hell?  Really?"
I nodded, "it wasn't his fault though", right as I said that, Joe came down, "hey Ashley can I speak with you for a moment?"  I nodded and stood up walking with him to the kitchen.
We sat down on the cold wooden bar stools. It gave me goosebumps.
"Listen I didn't mean to walk in on you, I didn't know what you were doing and I wanted to tell you something", Joe said looking down at his hands.
"Its okay Joe, it was an accident.  But what did you want to tell me?" I asked him.
There was a long pause, but finally he spoke up, "Well I think I kind of fancy you. Your gorgeous, your funny, you have a good sense of humor, your eyes are gorgeous, you laugh, your smile, just everything. I don't know if you feel the same way, but would you like go to dinner sometime maybe?"

Joe likes me? Why me? Do I like him? So many questions were going through my head.
Maybe I like him, he's sweet and all, so I think I'll say yes.

"I'd love to go on a date with you Joe." I said smiling.
"Great, how about Saturday?" he asked me standing up. I nodded.'

That sums up my life.

It's Saturday now, and it's 2:00. We are going to dinner at 5:00, so I decided to get a shower.
I went up stairs and went to my bathroom, I decided to lock the door this time just in case. I grabbed a towel, and sat it on top of the toilet. I got undressed and turned on the shower. After I got the temperature just right, I got in. I washed my hair, my body, and shaved my legs.

When I was done, I went to my room and grabbed my outfit; Black high waisted jeans, with a white cami, and a cardigan. I walked over to my vanity and did my makeup.
It was about 4:00 now, so I went down stairs and sat on the bar stool criss cross, on my phone. 
I took a selfie, because why not. Joe walked into the kitchen in the middle of my selfie spam, and he photobombed me.  "Ew I look nasty, let's take a nice one", I said, as he started blushing.
We both smiled, and took the selfie.  I went to Instagram and posted it.  He liked it.

At about 5:00 I put my boots on, and walked out to the car with Joe.

It was all uphill from there!


I know this was a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!!! 
I wonder what happened during the dinner? ;)


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