Chapter 24

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Ashley's P.O.V

I woke up this morning, to a room full of YouTubers. "Goodmorning", I muttered to them, and they replied.
"Go get ready, Jim, Caspar, and I have our meet and greet today, then all of us are going to Disney Land", Joe said kissing my forehead. "Disneyland?", I screamed with delight, causing everyone to look at me, "sorry", I giggled. I've always wanted to go to Disney land, ever since I was a little girl. I got up and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. I took off my pajamas, and changed into my outfit for today, which was shorts, and a white tank top with a red white and blue peace sign. When I finished getting dressed, I put my hair into a side braid, mostly because I didn't want my hair in my face.  Then I did my makeup.
I took a mirror selfie, and put it on my snapchat story.

I walked out into the room, and saw that everyone was gone except for Joe, Tanya, Zoe, Louise, and Niomi.  "I'm leaving now babe, I'll see you in a little bit", Joe said walking over and embracing me into a hug. I love his hugs, they make me feel warm inside. I feel wanted.

Us girls just sat in the hotel room gossiping about a lot of different stuff. At around 1, we decided to meet the guys at Disneyland.

We walked out side of the hotel and into the warm air. I hopped into the cab, and we drove off to Disney.

When we got to Disney, we saw a big group of girls screaming. "I think the guys are over there", Zoe said, as we all giggled. We walked over to the guys, as some of the girls saw us girls and ran over asking for pictures. After we got finished with some of them, the security guards made them stay away from us.
I walked over to Joe and gave him a hug. "How was the meet and greet?", I asked him as we walked into line. "It was great, I met a lot of fans", he said getting his phone out. I nodded and turned to talk to Tanya, who was behind us with Jim. "I'm really excited, I've never been to Disney", I said to her jumping around like a little girl, which caused her and Jim to laugh. "It's fun, so I'd be excited too", Tanya said back to me.

After about 15 minutes, we got through the line, which is surprising because it's Disneyland.  I got my wristband, and walked through to the wonderful Disney.  The smell of candy, and sweat, hit my nose.  I grabbed Joes hand and walked off. 
I saw Mickey and Minnie standing by a building. "Joe let's go get our picture with them, please please please", I said tugging on his arms like a little kid in a toy store. He rolled his eyes, and laughed as we walked over to Mickey and Minnie. "Hi, can we get a picture with you two?", I asked Mickey, smiling. He nodded, so I handed my phone to the worker so he could take our picture. Joe and I stood in between Mickey and Minnie, and got our picture.


We got in the cab to leave Disneyland, "today was amazing", I said to myself.

When we got to the hotel, we said our goodbyes, and Joe and I walked up to our room. "I'm exhausted", I said sitting down my bag, and plopping onto the bed. I felt the bed indent, realizing that Joe plopped down next to me. "Ashley", he says as we both stair at the ceiling. "Yeah?"
"I think I'm in love with you", he said stuttering a bit.

Joe loves me? It seems so soon. I mean he is my everything, and I feel so safe when I'm with him. I get butterflies when I'm with him. He knows how to make me smile. I think I love him too.

There was a moment of silence between us, as Joe spoke up, "I'm sorry, I know that was to soon."
I sat up and looked him in the eyes, "I love you too Joe."
We both sat there looking into each other's eyes. Joe closed his eyes and slowly leaned in, locking his lips on mine.  Our lips moved in sync. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I truly do love him.


This is short, I know. But ahhh!! He said the three words!!

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QOTD- I can't think of any.... so you guys ask me some questions!!


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