Chapter 15

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"No", I said silently rolling over and looking the other way. To be completely honest I want too, I really do. I feel like Joe is the type of guy you would want to loose your virginity too. Yes I am in my twenties, and never lost my virginity. I've been saving it for the right guy. I know me and Joe just got together, but I feel like we are going to last. But its to early.

"Ashley, please don't be upset. Its just too early ya know? I truly do want too, but not this early, okay?", Joe said turning me back around to face him. I smiled and kissed him on the nose. "I'm going to bed, night", I said to him turning the other way and slowly drifting off to sleep.


I woke up before Joe this morning, like usual. I feel really good today. I miss dad, but I feel really good today, like I am finished crying. I grabbed my phone and went down stairs to make coffee. When I was done making the coffee, I grab the mug and go sit on the couch, with my phone in my bra.

I check all my social media, and my YouTube channel when I realize, I have to post tomorrow and I dont have anything filmed, or edited. What to film?
As I was having a mini panic attack, Joe comes down the stairs into the living room, "good morning sunshine", he says in his sexy morning voice, as he sits down next to me. Perfect! I can film something with Joe! "Listen! I have to post a video tomorrow and I don't know what to film, so would you do a collab with me please?", I ask him sitting on my knees tugging at his arm. "Of course! What would you like to film?", Joe asks me smiling wide. "How about boyfriend vs girlfriend? Like we will ask each other questions from the tag, and if you get it wrong, we can get whipped cream smashed in our face?", I asked sharing my amazing idea. "That sounds good. Lets go get ready, and set up your camera and stuff", Joe said standing up and pulling me to the guest room.

After getting ready, I set up my camera and lighting right in front of the guest bed, as Joe went down stairs to get the 5 cans of whipped creme that my mom had in the basement fridge. I put a lot of garbage bags on the bed, the walls, and floors because I didn't want to get whipped creme all of the place. "Alright lets start", Joe said as he sits the cans of whipped creme on the floor. We sit on the garbage bagged covered bed, and I press record.

"Hello everybody! So today I am joined by my boyfriend Joe Sugg", I said into the camera as I put my arm around Joe. "Hello guys!", Joe said waving into the camera. "And yes I did say boyfriend, because Joe and I are together", I said kissing Joe on the cheek. "So Joe what are we going to do today?", I asked Joe, putting my hands on my hips. "Well Ashley, we are going to be doing boyfriend vs girlfriend. Que applause now", Joe said explaining the title. "Yup, and there are ten questions. So we will be doing five questions on my channel and five on Joes", I said smiling, "If we get the question wrong we get smashed in the face with whipped cream", I said doing a weird face. Joe nodded, "Lets start."

"Okay the first question is 'If your bf/gf could be married to a movie star who would it be?' So basically I'll answer about you and you'll answer about me. Whoever gets it wrong will get smashed in the face with whipped creme", I said trying to explain the best I can, "so you answer that about me first," I said doing the sassy girl emoji. "Alright the movie star that you would marry would be", Joe said dragging out the 'e' "I don't know. Give me a movie that he is in please", He said pleading. "The vow, Dear John, and um White House Down", I said naming off three of my favorite movies that the actor plays in. "Ash, I have no idea. Um Obama?", Joe says obviously joking. "Ew what the hell?? No! Why do you think that?", I asked laughing. He shrugged his shoulders. "Its Channing Tatum you goober", I said flipping my hair.


"So how do you think our fans are going to feel about us being together?", I asked Joe as I packed up my camera and studio lights. "Well there will be people that will hate on us, but most people will support it", Joe said grabbing his phone. I nodded and put my camera, tripod, and lighting all in the bag, and in the corner of the room.
I hope I don't get much hate. I don't take in hate all that well.

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