Chapter 9

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Regular POV

I jumped in the car with Joe, and buckled up. I looked over at him and smiled as he started driving to the laser tag place.

When we got in, we paid and got our laser guns. Joe and I looked at each other, and at the same time said, "it's on." Then we ran to hide.
I peak around the corner to see Joe facing the opposite way, so I quickly, but silently, sneak up on him and tag him with my laser, "gotcha", I yelled as Joe sprung in the air, "you frightened me!", he yelled. I was rolling on the floor in laughter. "ha-ha your so funny", Joe says with a pouty face. I go to stand up, as he tags me with his laser and runs away, 'that little shit' I think in my head as I finish standing up, running to find Joe.


Joe and I got home, and decided to watch some TV. About 20 minutes later Zoe came home, with Alfie. "Hey guys. Alfie is staying here tonight", she said as she slipped off her shoes. Joe and I both nodded and carried on watching TV.
It was about 4:00pm when Joe got a text, he locked his phone smiling as he yelled, "Zoe, Alfie, come here for a moment please." They both come waddling out of Zoe's room, "yes?", they both say at the same time.
"Marcus is having a small get together, and he invited all of us", Joe said nudging my arm, "he invited you too Ash."

Ash, oh how I love when he calls me that.

I nodded and smiled, "Zoe do you think maybe you could do my makeup?", I asked her. She nodded and smiled brightly. She walked over grabbed my arm and took me to her room. "What are you planning on wearing?", I asked her.
"probably just a simple dress, what about you?", she replied
"I'll probably just wear high waisted jeans and a cute top."

After she did my makeup, I turned around and looked at it. I looked flawless, she did light makeup with some winged eye liner. I thanked her and walked to my room to straighten my hair.

I remember when my best friend Jenna, from Rhode Island, used to do my makeup. I miss her, and I haven't talked to her yet. Maybe I'll call her tomorrow.

When I was finished I grabbed my phone and some money, and slipped them in my pocket. 

"Let's go Zoe! We are going to be late", Joe yelled as Alfie, Joe, and I walk out to the car, "I'm coming, I'm coming", she sassed back.


When we got to Marcus's, Joe and I walk in together, a little after Zoe and Alfie. I was greeted by many different faces.
"Hello Ashley! It's nice to finally meet you! Joe talks a lot about you", Marcus says as he embraces me in a hug, as Joe blushed from Marcus's words.
"Hello, Marcus", I say back, returning the hug.
I was greeted by many other people, including Jim, Tanya, Naomi, Oli, and lastly, Caspar.
We stare at each other for a bit, then Joe breaks the silence "Hey Casp!", he says shaking his hand. Caspar just smiled, then looked at me. "Hi Ashley", he says giving me a friendly hug. I smile and look over to Zoe, and see her staring at me and give me an awkward smile, that I casually returned.


Joe, Caspar, Zoe, Oli, and I all decide to film a whisper challenge for Joe's channel.
"Hello everybody! Today I have a few guests with me! Can you all introduce yourself?", Joe asks very enthusiastic.
"Hi my name is Caspar lee."
"Hello everybody, I'm Zoe"
"Hey guys! Oli here."
"Hello, I'm Ashleyyyy", I say dragging out the y in Ashley.

After Joe explains what to do, we all start, and I was first.
"Joe is really not in here", I think Joe says as he smirks, and looks into the camera.

(I was going for him saying "Joe is the hottest person in here")

"Um Joe is really not in here?", I ask.
Joe giggles and says, "next."
I sit where he was sitting and I now have to tell Caspar what I thought Joe has whispered to me.


When we finish up filming, Jim pulls me aside to talk, "It's really a great pleasure to meet you Ashley! I really like your videos! Tanya does too!"
Him and Tanya watch my videos? Wow.
"Thanks you Jim, it's great to meet you too!", I reply smiling, as he smiles back.
"So you and Joe?", He asks smirking and nudging my shoulder.
I feel my face starting to warm up, as a slightly smile and look down at my hands.
"It's alright hun, he talks a lot about you", Jim says, as I look back up to make eye contact.  "We aren't together, but we have been going on dates, and I really like him", I say no longer feeling nervous to talk to Jim, I kinda have a feeling we are going to become good friends.
Jim smiles, "he likes you too Ashley! He's a great guy." I nodded and smiled as Joe walks over and puts his arm around me, "who's a great guy?"  Jim smirks at him and walks away.  "What was that about?", Joe asks me, as he lets go of my arm, and looks into my eyes.

I loved his eyes, they were gorgeous and I loved looking into them.

"Jim and I were just catching up, and getting to know each other a bit", I say fibbing a little. He nods slowly, "want anything to drink?", he asks walking me to the kitchen. I nod and he hands me a soda.

Everyone here is so nice. I'm glad I moved in with Zoe, I'm making so many good friends. I can't wait to get closer with each and every one of them.


At about half past 11, we decide to go back home. We all say our goodbyes, and Joe, Alfie, Zoe, and I walk back to the car, Alfie and Zoe in the front, Joe and I in the back.

When we got back to the house, I decide to get a shower.  I walked to the cupboard and grabbed a towel, and body rag. I went into my room to pick out some pajamas; a pink cami, with black pajama pants from Victoria's Secret. 
I walk into my bathroom and turned on my shower. I took off my clothes; first my shirt, then my pants, then my underwear and bra.  I stepped into the shower and shriek as the cold water hit my body.  I turned it to warm, and calmed down a bit.
I sat there for a minute thinking, as I let the warm water soothingly hit my body. 


When I was finished in the shower, I turned off the water and stepped out grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my body. After I brush my teeth, I dried off and got dressed. I towel dried my hair a little bit, and put it into a side braid.

I plug in my phone and hop into bed. Joe peaked his head in and whispered, "Goodnight beautiful", I smiled and whispered "goodnight."

What a great day!


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