Chapter 5

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okay.. so I posted a chapter the other day, where they went on a date and had so much fun and shit, and it freaking got deleted. ugh I'm so mad!!! so pretend they went on a great date n stuff.
that's all

(After the date where they went to dinner and went to walk the city)

(mature content)

I was asleep, I had a bad dream...

'I was 11, sitting at home alone, when there was a knock on the door, I got up and opened it, not knowing better since I was only 11.  It was my dads friend, so I figured it was okay. I let him in, and sat on the couch, along with him.  "Where are your parents at sweetie?" he asked me, rolling his sleeves up. "They are working." I said picking up my barbies, and playing with them.  "Perfect" he whispered to himself. 
He was starring at me, "what?" I asked him, looking confused.  "Has a guy ever touched your private parts?" he asked me looking down reaching towards my vagina. (lol sorry)  I shook my head and smacked his hand away, "my daddy told me never to let a guy touch me like that", I said getting very scared.
"Come on sweet pea, its not that bad." He said trying to take off my shirt. I started screaming no multiple times, but he just wouldn't quit.
"No stop." '

"Ashley, wake up." Joe said.

I was being shaken, while asleep, I started to wake up.

"Ashley wake up", Joe said as he shook me.

I sprung up, rubbing my eyes, breathing heavily.

"Its okay Ash, it was just a dream, your okay", Joe said to me, his voice raspy from being asleep.  I nodded.  "Would you like me to stay in here with you?", he asked me looking sympathetic.  I nodded and moved over, leaving room for Joe. He crawled in bed with me, "go to sleep Ashley, your okay. I'll keep you safe."   I smiled to myself, then drifted off to sleep. 


I woke up with my arm around someone, I opened my eyes and tried to make out who it was, it was Joe.  Why was he in-- oh, I had a bad dream. 
Man did he look cute when he was asleep.  I saw him slowly open his eyes, "good morning beautiful." he said as he slowly lifted himself to a sitting position. "Are you okay?", he asked turning and looking at me.  I nodded, and smiled softly, "thank you for staying here with me, I had a horrible dream", I said sitting up next to him. "What was it about?", he asked me curious.  

After I told him my dream he asked, "did that actually happen to you?"
I nodded, as tears slowly filled my eyes, as I tried to hold them back. 
Joe pulled me into a hug. "I promise nothing like that will happen to you again. I'll keep you safe, together or not", he whispered into my neck. The heat from his breathe on my neck made me tingle.


Sorry guys! I had to end this chapter here!! I needed to get one up! Next one will be super long! Love you! Thanks for 50 some reads!


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