Chapter 7

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I woke up to the smell of something good, so I got up out of bed and slipped on my slippers. I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. "What smells so yummy out here?", I asked sniffing the air.
"Bacon, eggs, and orange juice" Zoe said as she turned to look at me smiling, "good morning by the way."
I smiled and sat at the counter.

"So how did you and Caspar's collab go yesterday?", She asked me.
"Good, besides him trying to get with me", I said looking down.
"What? What do you mean 'him trying to get with you?'", She asked spinning around quickly.
After I told her the story, she seemed to calm down a bit.  "Well after Caspar and Gabby broke up, he's been depressed, and he wants to find someone, so that's probably why he did that to you. I know he didn't mean any harm", Zoe said flipping the egg.
I just nodded and twiddled my thumbs.

"Joe, breakfast is ready", Zoe yelled to Joe as she set the table.
I walked over to the table, and sat down.

I grabbed my food from the middle of the table, and dug in.  As Joe sat down I saw him glance at me, as soon as I looked up at him he quickly looked away.  I wonder what that was for?
"So guys me and Alfie are going to the movies today to see a film,  if you two would like to go. We also may go to Nandos for lunch", Zoe said raising her eyebrows as she took a sip of her orange juice.  I looked over at Joe then back at Zoe, "I have editing to do", I said chomping on my bacon.  Zoe nodded and looked at Joe, waiting for him to answer. "No thanks Zoe, I have some things to do as well",  Zoe shrugged her shoulders and went to her bedroom.  
Joe kept looking at me, and after a little said, "tomorrow Caspar and I are going apartment looking together, if you would like to tag along."
I shook my head, "I have a lot to do, thank you though."

I was sitting on the couch in the family room, flipping through Netflix, as I heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it", I yelled standing up walking over to the door. I opened it up, revealing a tall guy, with brown hair; Alfie Deyes.
"Hello Alfie, come in", I said moving out of the way.
"Hello Ashley, how are you?", Alfie asked me pulling up his pants. 
"Good", I said walking over sitting back on the couch.


"Okay I'll see you later, don't wait up for me", Zoe said winking at me as she slipped on her boots.
"Use protection, I don't need little babies running around this house just yet", I yelled as Zoe and Alfie walked out of the house, as Zoe flipped me off.
After like 20 minutes on searching for a movie to watch on Netflix, I decided to watch some Walking Dead.

"Holy shit!", I yelled as a walker jumped out almost bit Rick.  "You okay out there?" Joe yelled from the kitchen "Yeah", I replied.  

Joe walked out in shorts and no shirt, and damn let me tell you.
He walked over and turned off the TV. "What the hell?", I asked, "why'd you do-", I was cut off by Joe crashing his lips on mine.  Butterflies rushed through my stomach, his lips fit perfectly in between mine. He had his hand cupped on my face and the other on my side. I could practically see the sparks.  He slowly removed his lips from mine, but I had the urge to kiss him more. I leaned up and kissed his chin, as a smile appeared onto his face. "What was that for?", I asked him, siting up.  He just got up and walked to the guest room.  I'm want that answer, so I got up and ran towards him. "Joeeee" I said dragging out the e.  He stood at the door step, me right in front of him.  He gave me a small peck on the forehead, and closed the door.   


Thanks for reading this chapter, I know it was short, but oh well. 


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