Chapter 13

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When Joe and I finish eating, we get in the car and go home. When I walked in, I saw mom sitting on the couch crying. I drop my purse and throw my phone on the chair and run over to her, as Joe sits down on the chair. "Mom whats wrong?", I say, worry seeping out of my eyes. "The doctor just called", she said, making a sniffling noise with her nose, "your father just passed, 15 minutes ago", she said breaking down even more.

Everything seems to go silent to me, I hear nothing. I stare off into space. I feel like nothing anymore. I lost my protector. My savior. My hero. My father. I break down into tears. "I just saw him. How can this be? Why my dad?", I screamed as my sobs got louder, and more intense. I stood up to run to the guest room. I slam the door shut and throw myself onto the bed. I feel broken. How could he go away this earlier into cancer?

There was a knock on the guest bedroom door, and they walked in, and I could tell it was Joe. He walked over and pulled me into his arms, so he was now cradling me. He was rocking me back and forth as he rubbed my head. "Shhh, its okay baby", "Your okay honey", "Your going to be alright", He repeated multiple times, sympathy in his tone. "He's gone forever Joe. I'm never going to see him again", I sobbed into his chest. Joe sighed and sat me up so that I was able to look at him. "Look me in the eyes Ashley", he said, as I slowly looked up at him, making eye contact, "everyone dies Ashley, and unfortunately, it was time for your dad to pass. He's in a better place now. I hate seeing you cry. But if you need to cry, then do it. Let it all out. I'm here for you, love. I promise",  Joe said looking into my eyes. I believe him. I believe that he meant every word he just said. I nod and shove my face into his neck, sobbing.

I get up and take one of Joes shirts, and put it on. I walked over to my bed and lay there. Motionless, sleepless, just staring at the wall. Joe walks over and gets into bed with me. He turns me towards him and puts his hand on my neck looking into my eyes. He leans in and gives me a kiss. "Please get some rest sweetheart, you need it", he said kissing my forehead. I nodded and closed my eyes. Before I knew it I fell asleep.


I woke up before everyone else again. I looked out the window of the bedroom, and looked at my old tree house. It brought back a lot of memories of me and my dad. I got out of bed and grabbed a small jacket and slipped on my boots. I went outside, and walked up to my tree house, and looked up the ladder to the top. I started climbing up it, as the ladder creaked. I walked around the deck of the tree house, looking inside the windows. I get to the door and walk in to the now empty house. I sit down and start thinking about all the times that my father and I came up here to play board games. I started crying.

After about fifteen minutes of crying, and thinking of all the memories with him up here, I stand up and go back inside of the house. When I get back inside I see Joe and my mom both sitting in the living room watching the news. They both turn their attention to me and Joe scoots over making room for me on the love seat to sit next to him. "How are you?", he asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and sat there staring off at the blank light blue wall.


Sorry for short update! Also, Im sorry that I made her dad pass, so fast! :(
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QOTD- What do you think about cancer??


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