Chapter 20

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Ashley's P.O.V
(Fast forwarded to the day of her birthday)

I woke up this morning, and grabbed my phone so I could check my social medias. I had two texts from Louise, asking me to call her. So I clicked on her contact, and called her. "Hello?" "Hi Louise, you needed me to call you?" "Yes, would you like to go shopping today with me?" "Sure!" "Alright, I'll see you at 2, bye bye" "bye" And I hung up.

"What was that all about?" Joe asks rolling over. "Louise and I are going shopping later" I said getting up out of bed to make coffee. When I was finished making coffee, I sat on the couch, phone in hand. I checked my Twitter, and I had a lot of happy birthday messages sent to me on there, along with Instagram, and a text from my mom, Jenna, and Charlie, as well as messages from multiple youtubers.

I can't believe I'm actually twenty-one. I can finally party, legally that is. ( I know that in the UK you can start drinking at 18, but shhhhh not in my story (; ) "Goodmorning" Joe said as he walks into the living room, shirtless. "Morning" I said back scooting over, leaving Joe room. "Happy birthday!" Joe said smiling. "Thank you" I reply giving him a few pecks on the lips.

"Whoa, get a room you two" Alfie says as him and Zoe walk into the living room. "Happy birthday Ash" Zoe says walking over and giving me a hug. "Happy birthday" Alfie says, following Zoe to the kitchen. "Thank you guys" I yell.

I walked out to the kitchen with Joe, and saw Zoe cooking something, with Alfie sitting at the counter on his phone. "Wow Alfie you are great help" I say to him, enthusiastically. We all chuckle. "So what are you making Zoe?" I ask her, peaking over her shoulders. "I am making a bunch of different types of biscuits" Zoe said smiling, as she cracked an egg into a large red bowl. "What for?" I ask sticking my finger into the batter. She smacked my hand "well, they are for, um, actually" Zoe said, trying to find words to come out of her mouth. "They are for my parents" Alfie chimes in quickly. That was weird, were they lying? Hmm, I don't care. I just nodded and sat at the counter with Alfie. "So, what are you planning on doing for your birthday?" Joe asks, breaking the silence. "Nothing yet, why?" I ask confused. Zoe looked at Joe out of the corner of her eye. "Um" he said looking cautiously at Zoe "Maybe we could go out tomorrow night or something?" I saw Zoe look back down at the bowl that she was using. I nodded and smiled.

I walked to my room, and grabbed my vlogging camera, turned it on and started to vlog. "Hey everybody, so today I'm going to be vlogging, and I have a pretty action packed day! I'm going shopping with Louise!" I said dragging out the e in her name. "So I am going to go get a shower, and get ready, then Louise is picking me up, then its time to shop till I drop" I finish, as I shut my vlogging camera out.
I grabbed my outfit for today and walk into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I sit my clothes on the toilet lid, and turn on the shower. When I get the temperature just right, I strip down, and hop in.
When I finish in the shower, I get out and wrap a towel around my body, and a towel in my hair. I brush my teeth, and dry off. When I dry off, I get dressed, and let my hair out of the towel. I went to my vanity and started my makeup; foundation, concealer, powder, neutral smokey eye, winged liner, mascara, and a matching lipstick. When I finished up my makeup, I blew dry my hair, and curled it into loose curls. When I was completely finished getting ready, I took a mirror selfie and posted it to my Instagram with the caption 'Birthday Selfie! #twentyone#birthday' Then I grabbed my vlogging camera, turned it on and faced it towards the mirror. "Okay, so I'm finished getting ready, and here is what I look like" I say into the camera, posing multiple ways, "so quick OOTD, my shirt is from farfetch, my pants are from TU clothing, and my boots are from harrods"  "So, lets go say bye to Joe, Alfie, and Zoe, then leave!"
I turned my camera off, and walked into the kitchen, where Zoe, Alfie, and Joe were still sitting. There were a few batches of cookies made, and they were all helping now, make more. "Geez, whoever these are for, better download the 'Weight Watchers' app" I said, which caused the three of them to giggle.

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