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-6 years later-

Ashley's P.O.V

(Be sure to read the a/n note at the end of the chapter)

"Joe, Haylee, time for dinner", I yelled as I finished putting the food on the dining room table.

I'm finally 27 years old, married to Joe. We have one little girl named Haylee Marie Sugg, and she is 4. 
Everything has worked out with my mom, and I. We didn't talk for about a year, but I forgave her because I realized I made a huge deal. She's engaged to the guy that she met. His name is Ben. He's 49, a year older than my mom.
Jenna and Charlie are okay now. A miracle happened, so Jenna isn't paralyzed. she just gets back pains, and her right ankle is permanently swollen.
She's married to Charlie now, surprisingly. They have 2 kids, twins. Kelley and Kendra, they're 3.
Zoe and Alfie are married, they live on their own.
Marcus and Niomi broke up, I guess Marcus cheated on her with Gabby.
So now Marcus and Gabby are together, and Niomi is single, she quit YouTube, and I haven't heard from her since I was 22.
Caspar is an actor now. He plays in a popular show now called 'The Bigger The Better', and he's single.
Tanya and Jim live in Cali now, with 3 kids.

Jim and I are really close. He's like my best friend. Last year Jim, Joe, Tanya, our kids, and I all went to the beach for vacation together.

Haylee is in kindergarten, and shes doing great.

I now use my YouTube as a 'family' vlogging channel. So basically we are like the Shaytards. Joe has 10 million subscribers now. I have 6 million.

I forgot to mention, I'm 7 months pregnant with another baby! Its a boy, and we want to name him Justin.

You know, if I never met Joe, or if I never moved in with Zoe, and never talked to Joe for that first time, my life would never be as amazing as it is right now.


It was Joe Sugg. Holy crap is he hot in person. His perfectly messy hair, his beautiful eyes, his nicely built body. Holy cow, I can get used to this. 

I started blushing when I realized the long moment of silence there was, as we starred at each other. "Come in." I said moving to the side.

"Welcome to Casa De Zoella and Ashley."
I was in the bathroom undressing, getting ready for a shower, when I heard someone walk into my room. I figured is was Zoe, so I let it go. I was bent over reaching to turn on the shower, when the door opened, I gasped, and turned around. It was Joe. "I'm sorry." He said as he rushed out closing the door.  That was the most awkward thing ever.
Joe walked out in shorts and no shirt, and damn let me just tell you. He walked over and turned off the tv. "What the hell?" I asked, "why'd you do-" I was cut off by Joe crashing his lips on mine.  Butterflies rushed through my stomach, his lips fit perfectly in between mine. He hand his hand cupped on my face and the other on my side. I could practically see the sparks.  He slowly removed his lips from mine, but I had the urge to kiss him more.
When we got in, we paid and got our laser guns. Joe and I looked at each other, and at the same time said, "it's on." And we ran to hide. I peak around the corner to see Joe facing the opposite way, so I quickly, but silently, sneak up on him and tag him with my laser, "gotcha" I yelled as Joe sprung in the air, "you frightened me!" he yelled. I was rolling on the floor in laughter. "ha-ha your so funny" Joe says with a pouty face. I go to stand up, as he tags me with his laser and runs away, 'that little shit' I think in my head as I finish standing up, running to find Joe.
I knocked on Jenna's door, and backed up, waiting for her to open the door. The door opened, Jenna standing there, Charlie behind her. They both started screaming and ran and gave me a huge hug. "Oh my gosh Ashley I missed you so much! I can't believe your here!" Jenna said joy filling her eyes.  "Ashhhh" Charlie said giving me a hug.

After they both said hi, and gave me a hug, they both stop and look at Joe "who's this?" Jenna asks pointing at Joe. 
"This is-" I start but get cut off by Joe, "I'm Joe, Ashley's boyfriend" he said, confidence filling his eyes. I look up at him then back to Jenna and Charlie, and smile.
After we were half way into the movie, I felt like there was someone staring at me, so I looked over at Joe, who was the one looking at me. "yeah?" I asked turning around so that I can look at him better. "Your just so damn beautiful" he said to me, looking me up and down. "Thanks Joe" I said, my face now starting to heat up to a bright red. "And your body, is just damn" he said grabbing my thigh.

We sat there staring into each others eyes for a little, then he leaned in and started kissing me, in the middle of us kissing, he picks me up and carries me to my room. He lays me onto the bed, and gets on top of me, kissing me even more. He begins to slowly lift up his shirt, then mine.

Then it all went up hill from there!
"Ashley" he says as we both stair at the ceiling. "Yeah?"

"I think I'm in love with you" he said stuttering a bit.

Joe loves me? It seems so soon. I mean he is my everything, and I feel so safe when I'm with him. I get butterflies when I'm with him. He knows how to make me smile. I think I love him too.

There was a moment of silence between us, as Joe spoke up, "I'm sorry, I know that was to soon."
I sat up and looked him in the eyes, "I love you too Joe."
We both sat there looking into each other's eyes. Joe closed his eyes and slowly leaned in, locking his lips on mine.  Our lips moved in sync. Our lips fit together like puzzle pieces. I truly do love him.
My life is great now, thanks to Joe.


Thats the END of the book!! I really want to thank you all for sticking with me through this book!

I had a great time writing this book, and I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Goodbye... for now;)

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