Chapter 11

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I walk into my home, oh how I miss this place.  I walked in, and heard the floor creek. I took Joe up to my old room. Still painted pink, with a big queen sized bed. "This is where we will be sleeping", I said to him while flopping myself onto the bed, "I really missed this place", I added.  I lightly closed my eyes and thought of some of my old childhood memories.

I ran around outside, and up into my tree house to hide, as I was playing hide and seek with my dad.
  "I'm gonna find you", my dad yelled, as I started giggling. He'll never find me, I thought as all of a sudden, he jumps though the small tree house window and yells "I found you." I started giggling, "now it's your turn daddy."
"Okay well you-", my dad started, but was cut off by my mom yelling out to us, "Ashley, Mark, lunch is ready."
My dad and I look at each other with devilish eyes, and storm out of the tree house, and into the kitchen of my actual house. I reached the kitchen before him, "I beat you!", I yelled as I took off my jacket and sat at the kitchen table. My mom brought me over a plate of Mac n cheese, and a small turkey sandwich, cut in half.

Joe was laying beside me playing with my hair, as I snapped out of my flashback. "Would you like to go with me to see my best friends Jenna and Charlie?", I asked him standing and smiling enormously. 

I can't wait for Joe to meet them, they're going to love Joe!
He nodded, and smiled at me slightly. I grabbed my phone and purse, and walked to Jenna's house, since she only lives 5 houses down.  Joe and I linked hands as we were walking down the street. "I hope they like me", Joe said just above a whisper.  I looked at him and smiled, "they'll love you!"

I knocked on Jenna's door, and backed up, waiting for her to open the door. The door opened, Jenna standing there, Charlie behind her. They both started screaming and ran and gave me a huge hug. "Oh my gosh Ashley I missed you so much! I can't believe your here!", Jenna said joy filling her eyes.  "Ashhhh", Charlie said giving me a hug. 
After they both said hi, and gave me a hug, they both stop and look at Joe "who's this?", Jenna asks pointing at Joe. 
"This is-", I start but get cut off by Joe, "I'm Joe, Ashley's boyfriend", he said, confidence filling his eyes. 'Boyfriend?', I thought. I look up at him then back to Jenna and Charlie, and smile.  Charlie inspects him, looking him up and down.

Charlie is very protective over me. He's like my older brother that I've never had.

Jenna leaned in and gave Joe a hug and said "it's nice to meet you Joe."
"It's nice to meet you too, Jenna", He said back to her.
Joe looked over at Charlie, and stuck out his hand.  Charlie smiled and gladly took it, and shook his hand.  "Be good to Ashley, or I'll fuck you up.  Whether your over seas or not",  Joe quickly nodded and stepped back looking at his feet. 
I glare at Charlie for a moment and ask "so what are we gonna do? I'm only here for a week!"


We all decided to chill out at Jenna's, because her parents are away on some business trip.

Jenna and her parents are very rich. Her parents are never home, because they are always off on business trips.  When they are home, they are always up in there office. Jenna is home alone all the time, except for when she has Charlie and I over. Jenna gets pretty much anything she wants, but she's not prissy, or spoiled.

We all decided to watch 'Dumb and Dumber'.  Joe and I sat on the love seat, Charlie on the recliner, and Jenna on the couch.  I cuddle up next to Joe, and watch the movie.


When the movie was over, we all decide to go to McDonald's, so we hop into Charlie's car, and drive there.

When we arrive we all get out and walk inside. Joe and I ordered first. I got a ten piece chicken nugget meal, and Joe got a double quarter pounder. 

We all sat down at a small booth and ate our fattening food, while catching up.

I think this trip is going to be amazing!


so I hope this chapter was long enough!!! I hope you all had a great thanksgiving!!
Did you guys go Black Friday shopping?? I did!

I also wanted to wish a happy birthday to myself on November 27th!!

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QOTD-  What's your favorite ice cream flavor??


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