I Did This

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Chapter 1
Finns pov :
I pulled up to Rachels house with the ambulance and the police we barged into her room but she wasn't in there. "Rachel!" I yelled but no answer. I headed into her bathroom door and tried to open it but it was locked. I then beat my body against it till finally it busted opened. I came in to see Rachel on the floor , unconscious, and bleeding. "In here!" I yelled to the paramedics. I bent down and held her in my arms , "Rachel !Rachel wake up . Please wake up!" I begged her but nothing . "Come on." I started to give her CPR but still nothing. The paramedics came into the bathroom and took her up onto a gurney and took her away into the ambulance. When I got to the hospital everyone was already there including my mom. "Oh sweetie. " She said hugging me . "Is she okay?" I asked her. "They're doing all they can right now." She told me . "I better go call her dads." I said. "No let me , you go home and clean yourself up you have blood all over you." She told me . I put my hands on my face and suddenly out of no where I burst into tears. "Oh no sweetie. " My mom said and gave me a big hug . "It's all my fault if only I didn't let Missy kiss me she wouldn't have...." I could barely talk about it. My mom sat me down and I put my head on her . "Shhhhh..... its okay Finn, Rachel is going to be okay I promise. She's going to be okay. " She told me. After I had my mom drive me home in my truck and I took a shower and had a nap and she headed back over to the hospital. I woke up to the door bell ringing . I got up and opened it to see Quinn , Santana, Brittney and Kurt there. "Hey." I said tired. "Is she?" Quinn couldn't even finish her sentence. "No the doctor's are doing everything in their power to make sure she lives. " I told them. "What happened?" Kurt asked me. "Missy Heart happened." Santana said. "Its not what you think Santana. I didn't kiss her on purpose she kissed me first and I pushed her away the moment I saw Rachel. " I told them. "Then Rachel broke up with me and she called saying how she couldn't take the pain anymore and she was ending it all ." I told them. "What did you do?" Brittney asked. "I rushed over and I found her lying on the floor in the bathroom, bleeding and unconscious. " I said. "Finn I'm so sorry." Quinn said. "Its all my fault that this is happening. If she ... if she dies I'll never be able to forgive myself. God dammit!" I yelled and knocked over a lamp and burst into tears. "I can't loose her , she's my everything and I love her. I don't understand why God let her do this. I don't understand why.... why he lets bad things happen to good people . Rachel is a good person , a great person so why does she have to live through this hell?" I asked him. "Finn calm down crying about it is not going to help, but you know what will; being there for her when she wakes up because she will wake up!" Santana yelled at me . I sat down and said , "And what if she doesn't Santana? Then what? How am I suppose to stay strong for her when I can't do the same for myself?"

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