Bloody Fist

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Chapter 12
Rachels pov :
I was at my locker when I heard Missy yelling at Finn. She was yelling at him and then I finally broke when she said , "You wouldn't hit a girl you pathetic little bastered. " and that was it. I walked up to her tapped her on the shoulder and said, "No but I would." and then punched Missy in the face. "What the hell Berry!" She yelled shoving me into the locker. I got up and came closer to her . "You think you can threaten me , well I got news for you I am not a victim. I'm a fighter." I said and hit Missy knocking her on her ass as hard as I could . "Enough!" Mr.Shue yelled. "Oh god." Finn said looking at my bloody fist and took me to the nurse leaving Missy there. "Here." He said handing me a ice bag to put on my hand . "Jesus Christ that hurt. " I said. "Yeah I'm sure it did you socked her pretty hard. " He said. "Well she was being a bitch to my friend. I believe in sticking up for my friends. Plus I really been wanting to do that since homecoming." I said and we laughed. "I'm sorry I kissed you. " He said. "Its okay it takes two to tango after all. " I said. He smiled and said, "I broke up with Missy." He told me. "Really why?" I asked him. "Because she threatened you and like you said I belive in sticking up for my friends too." He said. I smiled and then our eyes connected and just as we were about to kiss again Sam walked in. "Thank god you're okay I came as soon as I heard ." He said. "Sam, I'm fine relax Finn was taking care of me." I told him. Sam smiled and said , "Thanks man." He said to Finn. "No problem, I should go. Bye guys, and Rachel?" He said. "Yeah Finn?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "Thanks for being my friend." And left. Sam looked at me , "Are you alright babe?" He asked me. "Yeah I'm okay. " I said. "Great , why don't we get some ice cream in honor of you offically being a badass?" He suggested. I laughed and said , "Okay come on." I said. He helped me off the table and we left hand in hand but all I could do was think about Finn.

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