Keep Wanting You

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Chapter 19
Rachels pov :
Finn and I made our way upstairs to the guess room kissing eachother. We made our way to the bed and Finn locked the door and I started to unbutton his shirt and then suddenly he said , "Rachel stop." He told me. "Whats wrong?" I asked him. "We can't do this not like this anyway." He said. "What? Why?" I asked him. "Rachel you're drunk , you just broke up with Sam and I want your first time to be special. You should be romanced and have candles and flowers not be at a random party drunk and not being able to remember what happened the next day. " He told me. "Oh, so you don't want to have sex with me?" I asked him. "No of course not, I do , but I want you to be able to remember it." He said. I put my face in my hands and said , "God I feel like such an idiot . " I said. "Don't say that you're not an idiot. " He told me. "Yes I am . I just got so caught up and everything is just falling apart . " I said. "Hey its okay." He said and hugged me. "I should go , I'm sorry this was a mistake , God I feel like an idiot. " I said and left . I ran down stairs and got into my car and left .
( The next morning )
I woke up the next morning for school with a huge hang over it was official; I am never drinking again . All I wanna do is cry , after the break up with Sam and almost having sex with Finn I feel emotionally unstable. I ended up skipping school I decided to go to glee club though. "Hey Rachel." Mr.Shue said . "Yeah?" I asked him. "Do you have a song for Sectionals ?" He asked me. "Um yeah." I said. I got up and grabbed the guitar and started to play:
( Rachel )
Out of all of the places in this little town
Yeah, you had to come walking in here and sit down
I'm hiding and hoping my face ain't too red
Since we been over, been trying like crazy to get you out of my head

Why you wanna
Show up in a old t-shirt that I love
Why you gotta tell me that I'm looking good
Don't know what
You were thinkin'
You were doing
Moving in for a hug
Like you don't know I'm coming unglued
Why you gotta
Why you wanna
Make me keep wanting you

I wish you had on sunglasses to cover up those brown eyes
I wish you said something mean to make me glad that you said goodbye
Why can't you look off somewhere if you catch me staring at you
Why can't you be cold like any old good ex would do

Why you wanna
Show up in a old t-shirt that I love
Why you gotta tell me that I'm looking good
Don't know what
You were thinkin'
You were doing
Moving in for a hug
Like you don't know I'm coming unglued
Why you gotta
Why you wanna
Make me keep wanting you
Keep wanting you

Would you tell me that you call me up sometime?
Maybe we can get a drink and just catch up
Like that'd be enough
No, that ain't enough
(End of song )
Everyone clapped for me and then Mr.Shue said , "Great job although I think we might just do a duet. Why don't you and Finn pick a song to sing ." He told me. "I don't think so." I said. "Excuse me?" He asked me. "I'm sorry Mr.Shue but I quit." I said and left.

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