The Best of Me

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(13 years later )
Rachels pov :
Its been 13 long years since I've been to Lima. 13 years of heartbreak, 13 years of loss, 13 years of new beginnings. Its been 13 years since Rachel Barbara Berry aka me has been in Lima Ohio. A lot has happened in that short time . I'm 31 years old now and I've made a wonderful career for my self and now here I am back to Lima for the first time in 13 years. I walked into my highschool auditorium where I used to sing . Everything is so different now I used to be a young loving girl that took chances and loved to sing now I don't know who I am or where I belong. I took a breath and remembered that feeling that I once had in me . I remembered everything that I had once forgotten . I remembered my friends and him . By him I meant the one person that changed my world , Finn. "Hi. " Someone said. I turned around and said , "Hi."

Guys the Best of Me Chapter 1 will be out by tonight I will post something on here and my other stories when it's out.

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