Broken Heart

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Chapter 3
( 4 months ago )
Finns pov :
I sat in the hospital room with Rachel while her dads went home to get some stuff together. She still hasn't waken up yet and I'm starting to wonder if she ever will. I was sitting in the chair when suddenly I heard ,"Finn?" I looked up amd saw Rachel she was awake. "Rachel , oh my god you're awake." I said filled with relief. "I shouldn't be." She said. " What?" I said. " I should've died why didn't you let me die? " She asked me. "Because I love you. " I said. "No you don't you were kissing that girl I saw you." She said. "Rachel she kissed me I pulled away." I told her. "Yeah when you saw me." She said . "I'm sorry okay but I didn't think you so this." I said. "Why didn't you just let me die?" She asked me. "Because I love you Rachel. Don't you understand how dangerous what you did was? You could've died ? Doesn't that mean anything to you?" I asked her. She looked down and was silent. "Rachel I hated what you did. I hated the fact that you tried to kill yourself like an idiot instead of talking to me." I said. "Shut up!" She yelled at me. "You don't get it Finn you have never been hurt like this. You have never felt worthless and unloveable. When I saw you kissing that girl it hurt more than anything else. It brought back all that pain and hurt so don't you dare tell me what an idiot I am!" She yelled at me crying. "I hate you. " I said. "Then leave!" She yelled. I looked down and stormed out crying.

(Present day)
I sat in class looking out the window looking at the rain. Ever since that day my heart has been broken. I never spoke to Rachel until today and I ended up just leaving her in the hall. I feel like such a jerk . Scratch that I am a jerk. All summer long I've just partied and sleep with random girls. My mom is getting married to Kurts dad so we moved in. As for Rachel she was in Paris all summer so I couldn't talk to her. I don't know if its from being hurt but sometimes I wish I never met Rachel. But then there are other days where I wish I didn't completely screw everything up and thats my worst regret.

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