Loosen Up

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Chapter 18
( 1 month later )
Finns pov :
Its been one whole month since I've spoken to Rachel I wish she would just talk to me so I could tell her everything that really happened. The truth is yes I was talking to Missy but only because she came up to me and I had no way out I rejected her though because I still love Rachel but that doesn't matter now because she's no longer in love with me. Maybe she's better off without me . "Hey man." Puck said as he walked up to me. "Whats up dude?" I asked him. "Party at my house tonight you in? " He asked me. "I don't know man." I said. "Oh come on party pooper please? Rachel will be there." He said. "Finn I'll go." I said. "Great 6 o'clock and bring chips." He said and left.
(6 o'clock )
Rachels pov :
Tonight I decided to go to the party at Pucks not because I wanted too but because Kurt made me. "Come on Rach it'll be fun." He said. "Do we have too ? Its not too late to go home and watch a movie." I said. "No we're going to have fun tonight ." He said. "Whats the point if I'm miserable?" I asked him sarcastically. "Come on ." He said annoyed and knocked on the door . "Ayyyy.... Rachel , Kurt come on in." Puck said. We walked in and the house was crowded full of drunk, crazy, teenagers from school. "Theres beer over there, a pool out back, and food in the kitchen . " He told us and left. "I'm going to get some beer want some?" Kurt asked me. "No thanks not right now. " I said and walked away. I sat down on the couch and then two people sat down next to me and started to make out. Repauled I got up and went out to the pool area. I walked out and saw a drunk Santana and Brittney making out although that was normal for them, a drunk Quinn yelling at a drunk Puck for ruining her body and then Sam and Finn. I gulped because I haven't talked to either one of them in a month. Sam and I are still together but we haven't talked since that fight and Finn , well, I don't know what we are. Everything just seems so complicated sometimes I wish I could just forget about everything and stop being Rachel Berry , the troubled girl in a major love triangle. "Hey." Sam said. "Hi. " I said timid . "How are you? " He asked me. "I'm good. You?" I asked him. "Good." He said. "Look Sam." He interrupted me, "I think we should break up." He said. "What? " I asked him. "Rachel, I'm not happy and neither are you. Its just not going to work out." He said. "I... I have to go." I said and went inside . "Hey Rachel wanna play some beer pong?" Puck asked me. "Yeah." I said nervous. "Ayyy...." He said and we started to play. He threw it in the cup and scored in mine , "Drink up Berry." He said. I took a cup and chugged it. "Okay my turn." I said. I threw it in the cup . "Ohhhh!!!!" He yelled and chugged the cup. "Good game ." He said 25 minutes later drunk as a skunk. I laughed a little tipsy. "Thank you. " I said. "Girl you needs to loosen up get a little funky ." He said grinding on me. I laughed and said , "You..are so right." I said tipsy. I grabbed a shot and drank. "Yassss... Berries getting fun!" Santana yelled . Suddenly a rap song came on and I started to dance and before I knew it I was on a table dancing , everyone was cheering for me and then suddenly I bumped my head on the chandelier and landed in Finns arms.

Finns pov :
I walked into the living room to see Rachel dancing on top of a table drunk as could be . I walked over and then suddenly she bumped her head and fell landing into my arms. "I gotcha." I said holdiny her bridal style. She smiled and then I took her out side. "Here ." I said giving her ice for her head. "Thanks Finny Poo." She said drunk. She started to close her eyes , "Hey , hey , Rachel keep your eyes open okay you may have a concussion. " I said keeping her awake . She laid her head on my shoulder. "Sam broke up with me tonight." She said. "I'm sorry Rach." I told her. She smiled and laughed , "Its okay I knew it wasn't going to last . First you , now Sam, maybe I'm just not meant to be happy." She said. "Rachel theres something you need to know." I said. She suddenly got up to quickly and then fell into the pool . "Rachel!" I yelled and jumped in after her. I grabbed her up from the water and then bringing her out of the pool I gave her CPR. She started to cough and threw up water . "Are you okay ?" I asked her scared to death. She looked at me and then suddenly she kissed me passionatley.

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