Break up

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Chapter 11
( The next day )
Finns pov :
I was my way into school when suddenly out of no where Quinn slapped the shit out of me. "What the hell Quinn! " I yelled furiously. "That's from Rachel and pass it on to your bitch of a girlfriend that she is next. " She told me. "I'm sorry what did I do?" I asked her. "Oh don't play dumb Hudson you kissed Rachel and then that whore of a girlfriend of yours threatens her." She said. "Okay the kissing part wasn't just me and it's not like I forced her. Also I had no idea that Missy even threatened Rachel. " I said. "Well now you do so make it right!"She yelled at me and stormed off . I walked straight towards Missys locker and slammed it scaring her. "What the hell Finn!" She yelled. "We're over!" I yelled furiously at her. "What!" She said. "Yup. I'm done with you Missy , we're over !" I said. "Come on baby don't be like that." She said. "A. I'm not your anything and B. You threatening Rachel is not okay." I said. She smirked and said, "So thats what this is about that little bitch Rachel. Let me tell you something Finn she isn't into you. She loves Sam. I don't know what happened between you two but let me tell you something. I can and will ruin both of your lives." She said. "You stay the hell away from her." I said furiously. "Or what?" She asked stepping closer. "You wouldn't hit a girl you pathetic little bastered. " She said. "No but I would." Said Rachel and then punched Missy in the face. "What the hell Berry!" She yelled shoving Rachel into the locker. "You think you can threaten me , well I got news for you I am not a victim. I'm a fighter." Rachel said and hit Missy knocking her on her ass. "Enough!" Mr.Shue yelled. I looked at Rachels hand it was bleeding. "Oh god." I said and took her to the nurse leaving Missy there.

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