The Glue that Keeps Me Together

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Chapter 15
( That night )
Rachels pov :
Yesterday was Carols funeral and Finn has been very busy since. Honestly I think its just so he doesn't have to express his feelings but I know Finn, and I know from experience that you can only do so much before you break down into tears. I was cleaning up the kitchen after everyone else left. It was just Finn, Sam, and I and Finn was upstairs getting a shower so it was just Sam and I. Sam hasn't talked since I told him I kissed Finn in the auditorium before the funeral. I was cleaning the dishes and he was drying them and then finally I said , "Are you going to talk me or not? " I asked him. He put down the dish and said , "What do you want me to say Rachel? You kissed him okay I get that but why did you hide it from me ? Do you have feelings for him ?" He asked me. "I don't know Sam! I don't know how to feel about this either ! I'm just confused . You can understand that right?" I asked him. "I don't Rachel ." He said. He started to walk away and I followed him , "Where are you going?" I asked him. "Out! I can't be here anymore." He said. "No we need to talk about this!" I said grabbing his arm. He jerked away and then looked at me calmly , "I just need time." He said and left slamming the door. I stood there speechless . I then turned around and saw Finn standing there staring at me. Without a word I walked into the kitchen and he followed me. I turned on the sink and started to do dishes and he stood in the door way and said , "Are you okay?" He asked me. I stood there and said , "No. If you must know , I'm not okay. I'm not okay!" I yelled and I smashed the plate . He stood there silently. "I'm sorry , I shouldn't be taking this out on you I'm just upset ." I said. "What happened?" He asked me. "I told Sam that we kissed, thinking it would be the right thing to do. Thinking that everything would be okay but it's not it only got worse." I said wiping my tears. He came towards me and said , "Right now you being here is the only thing thats keeping me together. You're the glue Rachel. The glue that keeps me from breaking." He leaned closer and held my cheek, "Give into me ." He said. I turned away and said, "We can't do this anymore Finn. I care about you too much and I know you care about me . " I said. He sighed and pulled away , "I'm sorry I just I don't know what wrong with me . " He said. "Its okay Finn, your just hurt. You've been through a lot this past week come here." I said feeling guilty and hugged him. He started to cry . "I'm sorry." He cried. "I'm sorry." He repeated . "Its okay , its okay." I said. I took Finn upstairs and then got him dressed for bed . "I'm sorry." He said. "You're burning up." I said putting a rag on his head. "Thank you. " He said. "For what?" I asked him. "Taking care of me for the past week . You always took care me." He told me. "No you took care me remember. You saved me . " I told him. "Hows that?" He asked me. "You loved me." I said. "Who says I ever stopped. " He said. I looked at him and said, "Get some sleep I'll check on you in the morning." I told him. He nodded and closed his eyes and went to sleep.

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