The Death of a Love One

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Chapter 13
( 1 month later )
Finns pov :
Its been a month since I've broken up with Missy and ever since then I've been doing everything in my power to get Rachel back. It's hard because of Sam but I'm not giving up on us. I was in glee listening to Mr.Shuester about Regionals for this year when Ms.Pilsbury came running in . "Will, I need to talk to you!" She said frantic. "Whats wrong? " He asked her. She whispered something into his ear and then he looked at me and said , "Finn can you please follow me into my office . Everyone else you're dismissed. " He told everyone. I got and followed him into his office. "Whats wrong Mr.Shue?" I asked him. "Finn sit down . " He said. I sat down confused. "I'm sorry did something happen? " I asked him. "Yeah, Finn I don't know how to tell you this , but it's your mom ." He said. My heart dropped , "Is she okay?" I asked her . "She was in a car accident and by the time they got her to the hospital she was gone." He told me. I sat there silently not knowing whether to cry or yell . "I have to go." I said and got up . I walked out of his office to see Rachel there waiting for me.

Rachels pov :
I knew was wrong when I saw Mr.Shues face. After everyone left I waiting for Finn to come back out . After 5 minutes he finally came back out and by the look on his face I knew something had happened . "Finn." I said. He silently ignored me and got his bag. "What happened?" I asked him. Suddenly out of no where he kicked the chair and threw another one and broke down in tears. "She's gone Rachel , she's dead." He cried. I rushed over to his aid. "What happened who's dead?" I asked him. "My mom she's gone. " He said. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tightly as he cried on my shoulder and I cried with him .

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