You're Mine

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Chapter 27
Final Chapter
(The next day )
Rachels pov :
Yesterday was Nationals and we won . Today I'm going to see Juliard and see where I'll be living for the next four years starting today . I've been asked to stay for the rest of the summer which means I would miss graduation but I already said yes. "Rachel wake up. " Kurt said. "What?" I asked him tired. "Get dress we're going out for breakfast. " He said. "Where? " I asked him. "Tiffani's." He said. 20 minutes later we were outside of Tiffani's and Co. eating bagels and drinking coffee. "Peaceful isn't it?" He asked me. "Very." I said. "We need to talk about this Rachel." He told me. "Kurt , I don't wanna talk about Finn , I'm done with him. " I said. "Rachel he loves you." He said. "But how do I know if he doesn't tell me to my face . He knows how I feel , he knows that I love him , so why can't he say it back? I'm tired of being the weak one Kurt, my life is starting and tomorrow I'll be starting Juliard my dream school. " I said. "Rachel." He said. "Tomorrow I'm starting over Kurt , I'm forgetting about everything and everyone, you've been a great friend and you'll always be my friend. " I told him. "And what about Finn?" He asked me. "I told you he doesn't love me." He looked at me sympathetic, "I gotta go." I said and walked away.
Finns pov :
We were getting ready to board the the plane when Kurt sat down to me and said, "You need to get off this plane and tell her you love her." He told me. "I can't. " I told him. "And why not?" He asked me. "Because she doesn't want me." I said. "Are you stupid or something? Of course she wants you Finn she loves you and you love her ." He said. "What does it matter though, she doesn't want to see me . She said that yesterday and made it perfectly clear." I said. "Are you really going to give up on this ? Because if you do than your right you don't belong with Rachel." He said. I looked out the window as we took off and thought about her. Kurt was right , I do have feelings for her. I just gotta find a way to tell her.
(2 weeks later )
Rachels pov :
I was walking to my dorm room on my way back from class. Its been two weeks since I've seen or talked to Finn, everyone at McKinley graduated yesterday and Kurt sent me some pictures with the message, "Wish you were here" written in it. I smiled and scrolled through the pictures and then I came across one with just Finn in it . I looked at it and smiled if only he was here I be truly happy . "Hi. " Someone said . I looked up and saw him standing there with flowers in his hand. "What are you doing here?" I asked Finn. "I made a mistake." He said. "About what?" I asked him. "About not telling you how I really feel." He told me. "And how do you feel Finn ? Do you love me , do you not love me? Because I don't know how much more I can pretend too..." He interrupted me, "I love you too." He said. "What?" I asked him. "I love you Rachel . I always have." He told me and kissed me passionatley . I smiled and said, "Say it again." I said. He smiled and kissed me , "I love you, I love you , I love you. " He said. I smiled and kissed him passionatly.

The end

Hey guys hoped you like the final chapter stayed tuned for a sneak peek of the third chapter to this series which will be up next. I just wanna thank you guys for everything you're the most amazing fans a girl could ask for so happy Thanksgiving and if you would like to read more of my books they're on my page .
Natalie ♡

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