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Chapter 16
Finns pov :
Its been a week since my mom passed away and a day since we burried her. I honestly don't know how to feel at this point. The only thing I'm really happy about is Rachel, she's been taking care of me and helping me get through this. Yesterday she read my eulogy for me at the funeral because she knew I couldn't. I'm just worried that Sam's getting jealous. At the funeral he looked really angry at me and Rachel . The last thing Rachel needs right now is a jealous asshole of a boyfriend. I know , I know , Sams my friend but he doesn't belong with her. He doesn't know her like I do. He's never seen her cry, he's never seen her truly happy, he's never seen her face her biggest fear, but I have and I love her and I'm not giving up on her without a fight . I walked into school today to see Sam at my locker looking angry . "Hey man whats up?" I asked him. "We need to talk." He said sternly. "What about?" I asked. "I want you to stay away from Rachel." He told me. "Excuse me?" I asked him confused. "Don't play stupid she told me what happened between you too." He said. "Okay I'm sorry but what do you want me to do about it?" I asked him. "I want you to stay the hell away from my girl." He said aggressively. "And what if I say no. I mean come on did you really think she ever go for a meat head like you?" I asked him. "Thats it!" He yelled angrily and slammed me against the locker.

Rachels pov :
I was at my locker with Quinn and Santana talking when suddenly I saw Finn and Sam talking to eachother. I noticed that Sams expression meant he was going to hurt Finn, and I knew Finns expresson meant he wasn't going to stand down . Suddenly Sam pushed Finn against the lockers hard and thats when I took off towards him . Finn retaliated by shoving Sam against the other lockers and then it turned into a fist fight. Sam was beating the shit out of Finn. "Stop it!" I yelled furiously pulling Sam off of Finn with the help of Puck holding him back. "What is wrong with you?" I asked Sam angrily. "He needs to back the hell off of you!" He yelled at him . "Stop it!" I yelled furiously at him. I bent down at Finn to see his bloody lip and nose bleeding . "Mike come help me." I said and he ran over and helped me get Finn up off his feet. "We'll talk about this later." I said to Sam and took Finn to the nurse .

Finns pov :
I woke up in the nurses office with Rachel putting a rag on my head. "Hey." I said sitting up. "Hey take it easy." She said. "What happened? " I asked her. "You got into a fight with Sam. " She said. "Oh so thats why my head hurts." I said. "Well maybe if you didn't call him a meathead it wouldn't. " She said. I chuckled and she smiled , "I'm sorry , I just I don't know what got into me. " I said. "Its okay but you need to apoligize to Sam." She said. "No way." I said. "Finn , you have to he's your friend . " She said. "No he's not. Not since he took you away from me." I said. "Finn , you need to stop. He didn't take me away like a toy I chose to be with him and you chose to be with Missy. He's right you need to back off of me." She said. "And what if I don't want you , what if I just want to be with you. You said it yourself, you love me and I hate to break it to you but I love you more than he could ever love you. " I said. "Listen to me Finn because I'm only going to say this once, I'm with Sam okay not with you Sam. I love Sam ." She said. "Look me in the eyes and tell me that and I'll leave you two alone." I said. "Promise?" She asked me. "I promise, if you can look me in the eyes and say you don't have any feelings for me what so ever I will leave you and Sam alone ." I told her. She looked down at me and said , "I...." "Think about your next move very carefully ." I told her . Suddenly she grabbed me and kissed me passionatley. "I'm sorry that shouldn't have happened." She said and ran out.

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