I Love Her

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Chapter 22
Finns pov :
I was standing there listening to Rachel sing . Everything she sang it was about us and it was and still is true . When she finished I left because I needed to go figure things out. I got into my car and drove off . I just kept driving till I arrived till I arrived to my safe space. I got out of the car and walked to the lake. My mom used to take me here when I was little now I come her to think . I was avoiding it for a while ever since she died but I think it's time to come back. I got to the lake and picked up a pebble and threw it and watched it skip across . "Mom what do I do ?" I asked her . "Give me a sign that I should be with Rachel , just give me I sign that I do love her." I said. I waited and nothing happened . "Just give me a sign." I said completely vulnerable. Suddenly my phone rang it was Kurt, "Hello?" I said. "Finn where are you are you okay?" Kurt asked me. "I'm okay , I just needed to take a drive get away." I told him. "Well come back Rachel and I are worried ." He told me. "Kurt," I said. "Yeah Finn? " He asked . "That song that Rachel sang at her Juliard audition, was it about me?" I asked him. He paused and said , "Yeah it was." He told me. "Kurt I need your help." I said. "With what? " He asked me . "I need to get Rachel back." I said. "Why, and why should I help you?" He asked me. "Because I love her god damn it." I said. "What?" He said. "I love her Kurt , I love her and I know it might be to late but its true . Rachel Berry is the only one for me. " I told him. "Its about time ." He said. "How can I help ?" He asked me. "Well first we need to get Rachel back go glee vlu

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