Going To Nationals

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Chapter 25
(2 months later )
Rachels pov :
"Okay everyone! Lets go to Nationals!" Mr.Shue yelled excitedly. We all cheered , this year we're going to Nationals in New York City which is perfect because I can see Juliard again my home for the next four years. "Rachel wake up." Kurt said. "What?" I asked him. "We're here." He said. I smiled and looked out the window to see the New York City skyline. I smiled , "Its beautiful. " I told him. "I know right. " He said. We got off the airplane once we landed we went straight to the airport. "Okay everyone get settled in and be back here by 6pm. " Mr.Shue said. We all went to the hotel rooms and I took the elevator with Finn. "So you excited to be in New York? " He asked me. "Yeah I can't wait to see where I'll be living for the next four years." I said. "Yeah , sounds great." He said. "So." I said. "So." He said awkwardly. "Finn I..." He interrupted me, "I'm really proud of you Rachel." He said, "You've been through a lot these past two years and you are really strong and I'm proud of you." He said. I smiled and hugged him , "I'm proud of you too Finn and your mom would be too." I said. He smiled and the door opened , "I shouls go." I said and left.

Hey guys please check out some of newest stories like , The Secrets and lies of Finn Hudson, Come Away With Me , and Life Unexpected. Also thanks so much for reading can't wait for you guys to seee whats in store next!

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