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Chapter 9
( 2 months later )
Finns pov :
Its been 2 months since Rachel got together with Sam and since then I've been nothing but jealous. I walked into glee club to see two things ; Sam and Rachel being all lovey dovey which in my eyes was gross and made me want to vomit and then Missy . "Hi baby!" She said happily kissing me in front of everyone, "Ew gross!" Santana said. "Shut up!" Missy said rudely to her. "Thats it!" Suddenly Santana got up and went after Missy , "Pequeña perra alguien mejor me abrazas demonios de vuelta !!!Será mejor que se ejecuta vaquita!!!" Santana yelled in Spanish and Missy screamed terrified . "Woah , woah. Stop it both of you and take a seat!" Mr.Shue yelled at them . "Why didn't you stick up for me?" Missy asked hitting me. "Sorry." I said not really meaning it. "Okay guys this week we will be doing duets . " Mr.Shue said. "I call Rachel!" Sam said and everyone chuckled. "Sorry Sam but I already assigned your partners and Rachel you'll be working with Finn and Sam you'll be with Missy." He said. "As for the rest of you I put your partners name on the bulleting board. " He told them . "Mr.Shue I rather work with Finn. I don't trust her." Missy said meaning Rachel. "Please, I'm more worried about you going after my boyfriend. " Rachel said putting her arm around Sams. "Don't worry babe. I would never cheat on you." He told her. She smiled and kissed him . "Sorry Missy but no changes alound. " He said and the bell rang. "I'll see you at lunch. " Sam said to Rachel and kissed her. "Hey." I said awkwardly walking over her. "Hey. " She said. "Do you wanna meet in the auditorium later?" I asked her. "Yeah sure. " She said and left.
(Auditorium )
I walked into the auditorium just as Rachel was coming in. "Hey. " I said. "Hey." She said. "So you pick a song?" I asked her. "Yeah." She said. It was silent and then to break the ice I said ,
" Look sorry about Missy she's kind of a ...." "Bitch." She said interrupting me. "Yeah." I said. "Look you don't have to apologize for your girlfriends behavior. I just wish you see how much better you could do." She said. "Whats that suppose to mean?" I asked her. "Nothing." She said. "No tell me." I said demandingly. She sighed and said , "Its really nothing but if you must know I just think you deserve someone who doesn't treat you like garbage. " She said. "Like Sam does you?" I asked her. "Sam has never once treated me like garbage in fact he cares a lot about me and I love him." She said. I looked at her with her arms folded, "You know what that's great I'm happy for you now can we just . " I said. "Thank you! " She yelled. She handed me the paper and Brad started :
( Both )
Can't help wondering what you're thinking
Wherever you are
Late night movies, careless drinking
To cover these scars

And as much as I wanna be with you, I know...

You and me, we're bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart, no
Round and round we chase the sparks
But all that seems to lead to....
Is a pile of broken parts

We're bumper cars
Bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart
(Rachel )
Good intentions, all these questions
I'm sitting alone
All roads since you are wrong directions
I'll never get home

And it's making me wanna be with you, I know...

You and me, we're bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart, no
Round and round we chase the sparks
But all that seems to lead to
Is a pile of broken parts

We're bumper cars
Bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart, oh
This was supposed to be fun
This was supposed to be the one
Maybe we stayed too long
Maybe we played all wrong
This was supposed to be good
But I know, I know
You and me we're bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart, no
Round and round we chase the sparks
But all that seems to lead to...
Is a pile of broken parts
We're bumper cars
Bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart
(Coming closer to eachother)
We're bumper cars
Bumper cars
The more I try to get to you
The more we crash apart
(End of song )
Rachels pov :
Our eyes connected and he came closer to me holding my cheek . "You can kiss me if you want too." I said. "I thought you never ask." He said and kissed me passionatley.

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