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Chapter 8
( 1 month later )
Rachels pov :
I was at home with Sam watching a movie . He looked at me and smiled as I put my head on his shoulder . "What?" I asked him. "Nothing. " He said. "Come on you keep smiling at me." I said. "I just admire you thats all . " He told me. I looked down at my wrist . "You okay?" He asked me. "Yes...no...I don't know anymore." I said. "Rach you know you can talk to me . " He said. "I know I just don't know much about you." I said. "Well what do you want to know? " He asked me. "Everything." I said. "How about this , we ask eachother questions and whatever it is we answer. " He said. "Okay sounds fair." I said. "Okay first question , where are you from?" He asked me. "Manhattan , New York . " I said. "City girl." He said. I smiled and said, "Okay , what about you?" I asked him. "Kentucky. " He said. "Okay next question. What is your biggest goal in life and why?" He asked me. "Broadway because I love to sing." I said , "What about you?" I asked him. "I wanna buy my parents a house because I want them to feel safe and not have to worry about losing their home again." He said. "Thats sweet. " I said. "Yeah, next question what is your dream guy?" He asked me. "Well he's kind and funny and charming. He has brown eyes and scruffy hair. He has a big heart and he would do anything to let me know he loves me ." I told him. "What about you? What's your dream girl like?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "You. " I laughed and said, "Thats so corny." I said. "I'm serious if I could pick anyone to be my dream girl it would be you. " He told me. "Why? " I asked him. "Because you're not like other girls. You're real , you've been through things , things that have changed you and that makes you human . " He said. I smiled and said , "That's sweet. " I told him. He smiled and said , "Okay my turn , do you have feelings for me?" He asked me. I looked down and said, "Yeah." I said. "Do you? " I asked him. "Yeah." I told him. He smiled and then slowly leaned in a kissed me .


Hey guys quick shoutout to @FINCHEL_FEELS for her new book that is now out and on her page its really good so please check it out.

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