Hold My Hand

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Chapter 14
( 1 week later )
Rachels pov :
Its been a week since Finns mom has died and he's been a total mess. I've been with him everyday to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Sam's been really pissed off that I haven't been spending any time with him but I think he's jealous of the fact that I'm with Finn and not him . Today the funeral and I have a feeling that its going to be really hard on Finn . "Finn," I said knocking on his door in my black dress. "Come in. " He said dimly. "The car is here , are you ready? " I asked him. "I don't think I can be ready for this." He said. I walked over to him and said , "You're going to be okay, I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. " I said. "Just promise me you'll just hold my hand if things get rough." He said. "I promise ." I said. "Thank you. " He said. "No worries , I'm here for you." I said and kissed cheek. "Rachel, Finn, its time to go." Sam said from down stairs. "Coming!" I yelled to him. I looked at Finn and he said , "I need you to do one more thing for me." He said. "Of course." I said. "Read my speech about my mother please , she always liked you and um I just..." "Yes." I said point blank knowing it was because of his dyslexia . He nodded and then hugged me tightly. "I love Rach." He said. "I love you too Finn." I told him and we went down stairs. Sam and I decided to go in Finns truck just incase one of us needed to get him home. We both sat there silently and then Sam said , "You wanna come over tonight after the funeral?" He asked me. I looked at him and said, "I can't Finn ...." He rolled his eyes , "Are you really putting him before me first?" He asked me rudely. "His mother died Sam be a little more sensitive. " I said. "I have been sensitive Rach! I've been sensitive to him , I've been patient with you. I understand that he's your friend and you want to help him but I need you too Rachel! I need you to be my girlfriend again !" He yelled at me. I sat there silently and then said , "You're right, I'm sorry I haven't been a good girlfriend lately . In fact I haven't been a good one at all." I said. "No thats not what...." "I kissed Finn ,Sam. It was when were practicing our duet and we got caught up in the moment and I promise it never happened again." I told him. He sat there silently and then left the truck. I sat there feeling really shitty and then I got out and went inside the church. "And now Rachel Berry will be giving the speech in honor of Carol Hudson." The preist said 35 minutes later. I got up and looked at Finn and then at Sam. "Hi everyone, for those of you who don't know me I am Rachel Berry a friend of Carols son Finn. I was asked to give this of behalf of Finn because he didn't think he be able to handle it . So here it is." I said and started , " My mother , Carol Hudson was a great person , she loved everyone and saw the best in them. After my father passed it was just my mom and me, we struggled but we managed to get through it. My mom always told me to never give up on my dreams , you see I was diagnosed with dyslexia I was a kid and I thought that meant I was stupid but my mom never let me say that word because she knew that I was smart I just had to prove it to myself. After my mom met Burt she was reallt happy. She finally started to smile again . She hasn't done that since my fathrr died. My mom always managed to make me laugh, when my friend Rachel and her first met , after Rachel left she said to me , 'That girl, is the girl who is going to change you for the better.' " I stopped for a moment and wiped my tears , "She told me she knew that even if something happened to her that this girl would always support me . Turns out she was right. My mother was the type of person who saw the good in everyone even when they didn't. She's the type of person that could say one funny thing an have you smiling all day because of it . " I looked at Finn and he had tears rolling down his face, "She will always be in my heart and I'll miss her dearly." I finished and then sat down next to Finn and Sam. Sam took my hand and so did Finn.

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