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Chapter 7
(Friday )
Rachels pov :
I was with the girls and Kurt getting ready for homecoming . All of the boys were meeting at my house except for Finn because Missy wanted photo's at her house . "Rachel come on out ." Quinn said. "Okay. " I said. I came out in a pink lace dress with my hair curled . "I look hideous don't I ?" I asked them. "Are you kidding me you look sexy as hell!" Santana said. "So hot!" Britt said. "If you were a lesbian and I didn't have Britt I told hit that." Santana said. I laughed and looked at Kurt, "You look gorgeous Rach. Homecoming queen material. " He told me. "Please I'm not even nominated Quinn or Missy will probably win." I said. "You never know , I won prom queen." Kurt said. "Yeah but you're way more likeable than me , if I win they'll probably try and spill pig guts on me or something." I said. "Okay stop it." Quinn said, "You Rachel Berry are gorgeous, you are so talented and sweet and anyone who says otherwise is a jealous troll of a person. " She told me. I smiled and gave her a hug . "Come on lets take a selfie." Santana said. We all gathered around her and smiled as she took the picture than the doorbell rang. "Its probably the boys. " Santana said and they all ran down stairs . "Rach come on?" Kurt said. I looked down at my wrist with my tattoo. "You okay?" He asked me. "Yeah." I said. "You sure?" He asked me. I smiled and grabbed my hand bag. "I'm really okay . I promise." I said lying. "Okay after you then . " He said and we went down stairs. I walked down the stairs and Sam smiled at me . "Wow . " He said speechless as I got to the bottom of the stairs. "You look stunning. " He said. I blushed and said , "You don't look to bad yourself. " I said. "Here I got you corsage." He said .I smiled and we all left.

Finns pov :
"Come on Finn we're going to be late!" Missy complained as we got out of the parking lot . "Calm down . " I said. "Don't test me." She said rudely. We were about to walk in when I saw Rachel and Sam. Wow . I thought. "Oh hey Finn." Sam said . "Missy. " He added. "Hey Finn. Hi Missy." Rachel said nicely. "Rachel." Missy said rudely and walked inside. Rachel looked at me and smiled, "Rachel let me just say you look gorgeous." I told her. She smiled and blushed slightly, "Why thank you Finn. We should probably head inside though. Come on Sam." She said and we went inside. Why didn't you say something other than gorgeous. She looks radiant , beautiful, stunningly gorgeous. She's the most beautiful girl here. I thought. What am I saying ? We broke up , and she's with Sam and I'm with Missy god I hate that girl I should just break up with her. I thought. "Finn!" She yelled at me . "What?" I asked her annoyed come dance with me. I rolled my eyes and got up. Rachel was on stage and she started to sing :
( Rachel )
You're gonna run out of cigarettes
And we're gonna run out of wine
We haven't even started the good stuff yet
It's OK, we've got plenty of time
So pull up a comfortable chair, baby
And put on those records that drive me crazy
You look so good in this light
Oh yeah, you look like nothing but mine
(Looks at Finn and he looks back)
I wanna love you like the world's gonna stop
Til the very last second, last tick of that clock
I'm gonna slow it all down and then take you from zero to ten
Oh, I wanna love you like I'll never love you again
(Looks over at Sam feeling conflicted)
Let's make this night last forever
Like honey dripping sweet and slow
Every kiss just tasting better
Every touch, every whisper, let go
(Sam and Finn smile at her )
I wanna love you like the world's gonna stop
Til the very last second, last tick of that clock
I'm gonna slow it all down and then take you from zero to ten
Yeah, I wanna love you like I'll never love you again
Ooh, yeah
(Tears roll down her cheeks )
I wanna love you like the rain on a roof
Stronger than a bottle of 110 proof
I wanna take love to places that love has never been
Yeah, I wanna love you like I'll never love you again
And I'll love you again
Oh, and again
(End of song )
Rachels pov :
Everyone clapped and I had all these feelings I wasn't sure what I was feeling . Later they were getting ready to announce homecoming king and queen . Sam , Finn, Puck and Quinn, Santana, and Missy were the nominees. I was really hoping for Sam or Finn to win as king and Quinn to win for queen. I honestly can't stand Missy she makes me wanna punch her in the face . It makes me so angry how she treats Finn too. Not that I was much better but I never insulted him or was mean to him . I loved Finn and showed respect thats what made it work . But with Missy she treats him like dirt I just wish he would break up with her. "And the winner for homecoming king is Mr.Finn Hudson! " Principal Figgins said. Everyone clapped for him and then he said , "Now your winner for homecoming queen is ...." He opened the envelope and said , "Rachel Berry." Everyone looked at me silently and the spot light shined on. Is this some kind of joke. I thought. "Rachel Berry." He said again. I took a deep breath and slowly made my way to the stage . They gave me my crown and sash and then they cleared the court and made room for me and Finn to dance. We got onto the dance floor and Mercedes started to sing. "Is this some kind of joke ?" I asked him. "Hey look at me , you deserve this . You look beautiful and sexy anybody would be lucky to be dancing with you right now. " He told me. I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. "I miss this." I said. "Me too." He said. "Rachel?" He asked me . "Yeah?" I said. "Tonight when you sang that song, was that for me?" He asked me. "I don't know Finn. I'm with Sam right now as much as I like you I think right now we need to stay friends . " I said. "Can I interrupt?" Sam asked Finn. He smiled and said , "Go ahead." I looked at him as I was dancing with Sam and I could feel my heart hurting.

Hey guys please check out some of my new books like Life Unexpected and The Secret and Lies of Finn Hudson. Also if you wanna check out the sequel to my book Gone Girl its called Come Away with Me. They're all on my page so please check them out . ♡♡♡♡♡

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