Come Back to Glee part two

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Chapter 24
(The next day )
Rachels pov :
I stayed the next day because I did_n't feel like gong . I was on my couch watching Funny Girl when there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened the door to see Sam standing there. "Hi." He said. "Hi." I said suprised to see him. "Can we talk?" He asked me. "Um, sure." I said and let him in . "So why are you here?" I asked him. "You need to come back to glee club. " He told me."No." I said. "And why not ? Is it because of me because then I'll quit." He told me. "No Sam! Its not because of you!" I yelled furiously at him. "Then who Rachel? What made you quit huh? Tell me." He said. "I can't. " I said. "Why?" He asked me. "Because I don't want you to be upset. " I said. "It's Finn isn't it?" He asked me. I looked down and said, "Yeah, it is." I told him. "Rachel you know what made me like you? " He asked me. "My boobs?" I said. He laughed and said , "No, your confidence , you've been through a lot this past year and I've always admired your strength. " He told me. "I wasn't a good girlfriend to you wasn't I?" I asked him. "You were, but I just wasn't the one for you and I guess I thought if I could just get you to go out with me , you fall in love with me and we be happy but I was wrong ." He told me. "No , I did love you Sam ." I told him. "And I loved you Rach, but I think you and I both could see that when it comes to Finn..." "I love him. " I said interrupting him. "Thats why I can't come back to glee club. I love him and he can't say it to me back . Why can't he say it to me back ?" I asked him. "I don't know, but I see the way he looks at you Rachel , he loves you more than you think , take it from me." He said . I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, "Thank you Sam, you're a good friend." I said. "You're welcome Rachel , now come on." He said wiping my tears. "Where are we going ?" I asked him. "Glee club, you have a lot to catch up on." He told me helping me up. I smiled and said , "Okay just give me a couple minutes to get dressed. " I said. "Okay." He said and waited outside.
(Glee club)
Finns pov :
I was at glee club when Sam came in and said , "Mr.Shue someone's here ." He told him. Suddenly Rachel walked in , "Hi everyone. " She said smiling . "Rachel ." Quinn said suprised and everyone got up and hugged her. "Guys I'm sorry I quit I just needed sometime away if you would please take me back." She begged. "Rachel glee club is your home of course you can come back." Mr.Shue said. She smiled and hugged him. "Okay so now that we're all officially here lets disguss song choices." Mr.Shue said. "Rachel I think we should give you a solo..." She interrupted him , "Actually Mr.Shue I think Finn and I should sing a duet. " She said. "Really? " I asked her. "Yeah we're better together." She said. "Okay lets get started. " Said Mr.Shue

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