2|| Introductions and Introspections

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Chapter 2: Introductions and Introspections

You fight against the wind everyday. You fight against the strong gust that keeps threatening to fan your flames out. However, remember to not let this extinguish your spark.


I accidently slammed into the classroom that I was supposed to go to, which caused all the eyes in the class to turn towards me. Another word for Day June Winters was Klutz.

I blushed furiously, which I could do at the drop of a hat, as the Lit teacher (whose name was Miss Clarice, as I read off the names of the teachers in another handy sheet of paper that Mr. Jones had gracefully supplied me with) opened the door for me. She had short cut black hair and looked pretty young. Her eyes were almond shaped and she had smeared lipstick on her large mouth. She was willowy, which was a kind way of saying that she had positively no figure except for her stick-like features. She gave me a beaming smile and kind of radiated this sort of positive energy.

"So you must be the new girl, Day Winters!" she exclaimed, and I sighed with relief (inwardly) that she hadn't mentioned my middle name. I smiled politely, trying to ignore the twenty sets of eyes that were looking at me in the class.

"Um... Yeah," I said. Well pardon me for not being socially active and being completely awkward. This was my first school in my entire life, okay? "I... I think I'm kinda late," I muttered, turning beet red. Curse my fair skin; I was so transparent thanks to it!

"It's okay, sweetie. We weren't actually going into the discussions yet, because we just ended our first book of this year a couple of days ago. So for the next one week, we're just gonna discuss the importance of Literature and whatnot. Knowing me and my class, though, we're just gonna while away our time and make fools of ourselves!" she chuckled. Okay then, this woman was kind of crazy. A weirdly nice crazy, though.

I stumbled towards the only empty seat in the class- one at the very front that was right next to the teacher. I was pretty sure I was blushing so hard that it looked like a tomato had thrown up on my face. Everyone was looking at me like they expected me to turn into a unicorn, create a rainbow and a pot of gold and spit out candy floss or something.

"So, Day would you like to introduce yourself?" asked Miss Clarice. How about a no, with a main course of no, and a side dish of no with a cherry of no on the top. I DON'T WANNA INTRODUCE MYSELF!

"Okay, I guess," I muttered, standing up. Of course, being the klutz that I was, I made my chair fall down behind me and my table wobbled. I don't even know how. I was such a liar, because it totally wasn't okay to introduce myself. Telling the truth was a virtue. "Actually I'd rather not," I said softly and plonked back down onto the fallen chair, which made me fall down onto the floor in the least feminine way. There were a couple of giggles from the class. OH MY GODS KILL ME NOW AND TURN ME INTO A PUDDLE SO I CAN MELT INTO THE GROUND!

The class was now looking at me like I desperately needed a psychiatrist, and that was probably true. I could feel myself burning up, and this had never even happened to me before! A couple of kids laughed. I wanted to dig a hole and hide in it for the rest of eternity. Ah... What a lovely thought. Actually not so much of a great thought, considering the mud and bugs that would crawl all over me (I actually hate mud more than bugs, because I actually have this weirdly creepy fascination with those six legged wonders), but any place was better than this. Even a random hole.

"It's okay," said Miss Clarice, giving me a sympathetic smile that indicated that she thought I was a wee bit off as well. "This is your first school. It's bound to have some new obstacles, right?" she asked. Sure, broadcast the fact that this is my first school to everyone, won't you? Hey can you shout a little bit more? I think the penguins in Antarctica are feeling a bit left out because they couldn't hear you.

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