21|| It Takes Two to Tango

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Chapter 21: It Takes Two to Tango

Crying is just a way your eyes speak when your mouth can't convey how broken you feel.


I cried and cried until my voice was hoarse, and then I just randomly made these weird noises like a retarded guppy gasping for air.

I was like a fish that had been caught. A diseased fish that looked okay at first, but at a closer encounter was labeled useless and was thrown onto an abandoned plank of wood, just by itself. It needed to fight for itself. Survive on its own, gasping and trying to hold onto life.

I knew crying wasn't good for me. No, I'm not going to say I couldn't cry because I wanted to be strong or something. I simply couldn't cry because my deficiency made me weaker, and once I started gasping for air I would choke and the last time this happened I was admitted at the hospital.

Nat decided she was tired of eating Max's face and let him go, pushing him off her skinny body. I could feel my throat knotting up.

"Oh Day!" exclaimed Nat with a saccharine smile. "Goodness, I didn't notice you there. Oh my god, are you okay?"

Her fake smile just hurt me even more. I was wheezing now and I needed an inhaler.

"Oh Max dear, you naughty boy!" she continued, oblivious to the fact that my face was turning blue. "Did you just kiss me when you had a girlfriend?" she chuckled and I could feel my chest tightening.

"Day... Shit, Day are you okay?" Max immediately dropped to his knees and faced me with his large eyes of concern and fear.

"No! Don't come close t-to me," I managed to splutter, and to my immense surprise I coughed blood onto his grey shirt.

Why was I coughing up blood? Okay this was not good.

"Um... I'm just gonna go..." Nat darted away, realizing the situation was serious.

"Day!" yelled Max, now looking panicked. "I'll call 911 right now, okay? Don't move."

Don't move. Like I had a choice.

I started coughing now, and blood was splattering the rug on Max's floor. I'd have to pay to clean this up. I was throwing up blood. Lots of it. I had never coughed up blood before.

"DAY!" screamed a voice, but it sounded muffled. I felt like I was underwater, swimming through and trying to breathe. I felt like my lungs were being torn up by sharks and the blood was attracting more.

My brain felt like cotton. A tall girl sat next to me, screaming. All I could see was how her lips moved. I couldn't tell what she was saying though. Her long brown hair was the color of a teddy bear. She had a nice tiny nose. It looked like a button. A sharp button. I reached out to touch it. I pinched it.

She swatted my hand away, her eyes as large as saucers. Saucers are cool though. They go with teapots. Teapots are friendly from Beauty and the Beast. But Chip was the best.

I literally don't even know what I'm thinking right now.

I suddenly felt this weird sense of greyness looming above my eyes like a shroud of fog. It was covering me but I couldn't move. It was closing my eyes. It was telling me to close my eyes.

So I did, and a sense of darkness washed over me.


"You always seem to turn up when she faints!" scolded a voice. It sounded like my mother.

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