9|| That Feeling When You Have No Idea What You're Feeling

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Chapter 9: That Feeling When You Have No Idea What You're Feeling

I think my feelings are more tangled than my headphones.


"I think I like Max," I admitted, a little shyly to Deeds, Marie and Hailey. Hailey was getting a facial done, her face slathered with avocadoes and cucumbers, Marie was carefully applying nail polish on her long, shiny fingers and Deeds was trying to find a dress. We'd all just decided to meet up on Tuesday for no apparent reason and I'd been trying to muster up the courage to tell someone about my mild infatuation.

The response wasn't the nicest, either.

Hailey choked on her own spit and a cucumber flew off her face. Marie's nail polish went askew and smeared across the skin on her finger. Deeds somehow managed to drop the four dresses that she was holding and one of the hangers broke.

"Him?" scoffed Marie, trying to frantically rub nail polish off her skin with a remover. She was the first to react from the girls' shocked trances. "Why? What messed up your brain cells so much? I mean, I know you didn't have that many to begin with, but I didn't think your head was that wonked up." And she was one to talk about smarts, of course (kindly note the sarcasm).

Deeds shook her head. "Honey, you're a popular kid. Max is a stupid geek from the school's math club." Stupid geek? Talk about oxymorons.

I still kept my lips pursed, allowing them to continue even if I was mentally insulting them. "Look, Max is okay, but... why would you do that to yourself when Jase is so obviously interested in you?" asked Hailey, softly and more politely.

"Jase what!?" I asked, my eyes almost bulging out of my skull.

"Hails, don't be an idiot." Deeds cut in, dryly. "Jase is never interested in anyone. His ego is too damn high for him to actually go chasing after someone."

"Whatever," muttered Hailey, rolling her eyes. "Well, he's obviously mildly curious to know Day, because it's pretty obvious that Day doesn't like him and when someone doesn't like Jase, he'll go out of his way to make them his." I mentally cringed, reminding myself not to 'become his'.

"But Max, though?" asked Deeds, incredulously. "What made you like him!?" she looked genuinely shocked about this piece of information.

"Erm... he somehow makes me feel special. He complements me in a way that no one ever has, and he makes sure I feel... wanted in this new school. There's no other guy that's told me that my eyes are beautiful, no other person that's made me feel like I'm worth something and not just another blonde." It was hard to talk about my feelings like that when the three girls in the room were looking at me like I'd just sprouted another head.

"No offense," started Marie, and I knew that this would be offensive. "But you've never really met many people and have no clue what it's like to be in love." Eh, not as bad as I thought.

"Yeah," said Deeds, feeling backed up. "I mean, you can't just base feeling special because of one guy, who happens to be a weird shy kid anyway." There was nothing wrong with being shy.

I shrugged, acting nonchalant. Telling them had been a bad idea. "Uh... I guess it doesn't matter anyway. Not like I really know him, and I just thought he was nice. I'll just forget about him... he seemed a bit weird anyway." I lied, internally kicking myself.


"Who on Earth is Collen?" I asked, cocking my head in confusion at the fancy invite that had been slipped into the slot in my locker. I was groggy, owing to my lack of sleep at Deed's place last night, and my brain wasn't really able to process anything, forget random stranger's invitations to parties.

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